[F] What led to my development as a party girl, and why? [21F]

I recall receiving invitations to a gathering for myself and a friend. When we arrived at the party, we were not only completely unfamiliar with everyone present but also learned that we were practically the only women. Whoever was throwing it, we had no idea.

Even though we really just wanted to go home, we tried to remain a little while longer, but it was too late to do anything else. I chose to drink alone because my friend had already begun having sex with a male when I decided to do so. I had become tequila-impaired after an hour. I started drinking more and more until I lost control and started hitting males. In a nutshell, I woke up in bed with three nude men the next morning. I know, I’m such a slut.

[F] What made me a party slut and why? [21F]

So, once, a friend and I both received invitations to a party. Not only did we not know ANYONE at all when we got to the party, but we also discovered that we were essentially the only women there. The person tossing it was unknown to us.

We attempted to remain a bit longer even though we kind of wanted to go home because it was too late to find anything else. I made the decision to drink by myself and get tequila-impaired after an hour because my friend had already started having sex with a man. I kept drinking more and more, until eventually I lost control and began assaulting men. In a nutshell, I awoke the following morning in bed with three nude males. I’m such a slut, I know.