Dark Delights [Non-Con, Sexual Violence, Assault]

**Firstly, I just want to say that consent is EVERYTHING. This is merely a work of fiction and needs to be approached as such. This is one of my darker works, so I’m going to give a quick warning: this story contains graphic violence and sexual assault. Reader discretion strongly advised.**


*”Shit.”* Riley hissed through her teeth, holding her palm out toward the sky as rain began to sprinkle down.

A lit cigarette hung between her lips and she cupped her hands over it to shelter it from the wet. The weather hadn’t called for rain tonight yet Riley found herself clear on the opposite side of town from her cramped apartment, with no choice but to make the trek on foot as as the rain steadily picked up pace.

The only sound was her Converse padding against the sidewalk and the soft patter of rainfall as it hit the concrete. With what she was wearing, she’d be soaked to the bone by the time she made it another few blocks.

All she’d worn tonight was her favorite black beanie, a black tank top, black cutoff shorts and an oversized black and grey flannel. If she had known it was going to rain, she would have at least brought a poncho with her.

Hey Guys and Gals! [Video]

So, to start this off, I’m very excited to share something with you all here. Today, I put up the first video I have *ever* made and since this community has been beautiful, I thought maybe y’all would enjoy it.

Now, it isn’t perfect. Far from. It’s got a handful of flaws throughout it, but I’m proud of it nonetheless. If you can forgive those flaws, I really think you’ll like it. I worked very hard and I think I’ve found my niche!

Just gotta work on a few things, but this was a major learning experience for me in which I will utilize from here on out in future videos.

Now, I should warn you before I continue. This story may be triggering for some, as it contains very sensitive topics – such as suicide, among other things. So I do advise you listen with caution.

This particular video is an original piece of mine that is titled Purgatory. It follows a young woman named Rose Langdon who finds herself in a strange world after committing suicide.

**Story bio here: In this strange and sexually charged erotic thriller, we find Rose Langdon trapped in a dark world of savagery after she successfully commits suicide.**

The Priest and the Elephant

This one goes out to u/QuantityCommercial66 for giving me the odd combination of ‘Priest’ and ‘Elephant’. I hope you enjoy what I’ve conjured up.


The sun hung high in the sky, casting rays of golden light through the crisp green leaves that hung overhead, tall oaks lining each side of the dirt path. Bird song filled the air, as well as the indistinguishable chatter of passerbys.

Father Casey’s sneakers padded against the soil as he jogged along, his sun kissed skin glistening with sweat and his salt and pepper curls clinging to the moisture of his face. Even at the age of forty-eight, the devout priest was in peak physical shape.

For the past thirty-three years, he’d never once neglected his exercise regimen. He was a man of firm discipline and dedication – both to his physical and spiritual health.

David Casey was resolute in his commitments – a man not easily swayed from his path.

However, as of late, he found himself in a battle against desires of the flesh. Never in all of his years had his resolve felt so weakened, so threatened.

First Time was also First Mé-nage à trois [F/M/F]

I suppose I’ll start with introductions. This involved me (Lissy), my best friend Grace and a man named Jamie.

Grace and I had been besties since grade school, so we treated one another like sisters. Jamie was a couple of years older and we’d frequently see him wondering around the neighborhood, typically spending a portion of his time vibing out at the park.

Jamie immediately stood out to me the first time I saw him, as he looked scarily identical to a young Leo DiCaprio (think Titanic). I mean, same hair, same boyish good looks. One difference, however, was his eyes.

They were more of an aquamarine color.

Also his build was slightly different. A bit more muscle than Leo had had back then. He wasn’t big by any means, but was built with lean, sinewy muscle.

Anyway, the first time we properly met Jamie was at the park. Grace and I were walking the trail and he came wondering out of the woods right across from us, nearly scaring the bejeezus out of us.

Hey Y’all [Content Request]

So, lately I’ve been challenging myself with my writing and testing my capabilities as a writer in terms of creating with only a vague idea of a who/what/when/where.

I’d love it if y’all could help me in this creative venture and join me on this little journey I’ve decided to go on.

So, if you’d be interested, drop some ideas in the comments and I’ll see what my twisted mind can conjure up. However, the ideas must be vague, as that only adds to the fun. It can be a word, an object, a theme, whatever you’d like – just as long as you keep it relatively amorphous, of course.

I’ve really been venturing into the world of dark and horror based erotica, so if there’s anything in particular you’d like to read, just say so in the comments and I’ll do my best to make something decent of it. I can’t promise that all of your ideas will be utilized, but I will carefully consider each one.

Of course, if I choose to use your idea(s), I will credit you at the beginning of the story once it’s posted.

Tobias the Tempter [Horrorotica]

A cool gust of autumn air blew, whistling through the brightly colored leaves and sending their fallen brethren scattering across the landscape. Tendrils of rust colored hair danced across Remi’s face, tickling her freckled cheeks and catching in her lashes, but she remained motionless, unable to take her powder blue eyes off of the strange figure looming in the corn field.

She’d seen scarecrows before, but none that looked as eerie as this. This one turned her stomach in knots, ice cold dread spreading over her pale skin.

The wind continued to blow, harder now, howling viciously in her ear as if to warn her away. The Straw Man twitched in the breeze, giving it a terrifying sense of vitality – as if it were living and breathing just as she was.

It unnerved her and she felt her fight or flight response kicking in.

She was running back toward the old, weathered farmhouse before her brain could register the action, not daring to cast a glance back toward the tatterdemalion. Her bare feet slapped loudly against the worn wood of the porch as she bounded up the steps, not stopping until she was through the door and safely inside the confines of the family home.

The Visitor Pt. 2 [Fiction] [Dark Erotica]

(Pt. 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n4m5tr/the_visitor_pt_1_fictional_darkerotica/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share )

Caroline stared back at her reflection, clutching a thick white towel against her naked body as her titian colored hair dripped water onto her shoulders and down her back. Her blue eyes looked tired, and she nervously chewed on her bottom lip as she internally debated whether or not she had the strength to join everyone downstairs today.

There was no way she could face the silver haired phantom that had plagued her dreams all night.

The dreams had been limitless – all sexual in nature with varying levels of intensity. She hadn’t soiled her sheets again, thankfully, but she’d woken up that morning hot-and-bothered and had been trapped in a constant state of overbearing arousal since.

She still refused to dip between her legs to take the edge off, unable to bring herself to masturbate to the thought of the strange man who had infiltrated her home. It felt wrong but boy was it becoming increasingly difficult for her to listen to that little voice of reason.

The Visitor Pt. 1 [Fictional] [DarkErotica]

“Caroline, this is…” Mama’s voice trailed as her cornflower blue eyes centered on the strange man sitting across the kitchen table.

“Please, call me Mr. Stygian.” The man said in a low, velvety voice.

His hair was the color of silver, hanging down to his shoulders and his eyes reminded her of the skies right before a bad storm. He wore an exquisite black suit that hugged his frame like a second skin, revealing a lithe, slender frame beneath.

The man appeared to be in quite good physical shape, despite appearing to be in his fifties.

His eyes were so intensely focused on Caroline that she couldn’t help but to shift uncomfortably in her chair and the ghost of a smirk pulling at the corners of his plush, pale lips was not lost on her. There was a certain, and disconcerting, electricity emanating from the strange man and Caroline could feel it creeping across her skin and trailing along her spine.

Something was off about the stranger, but Caroline couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“Mr. Stygian is gonna be stayin’ with us for a little while, so I want you to help make him feel welcome in our home.” The way she spoke gave away her unease.