I used to work as a bouncer and back-up barkeeper for a guy, who owned several clubs linked to the sex industry, like a strip club, swinger’s club, erotic massage parlor and a few others.
Prostitution in my country isn’t illegal but regulated by the government. The pay was ok and I had no other skills with which to pay my way through university. So that job was a godsend. An added benefit was a lot of sex. Granted these were not the most high quality girls, but a frustrated and stressed guy in his twenties does not really care about that.
I didn’t have the money to spare to pay for sex, but the people I got to know and hung out with and even dated were pretty much foreigners to the concept of modesty. So you can imagine I have many a story to tell.
One of the better one’s is the following.
Back then I dated a girl called Jessica. She mostly worked as a bartender, but occasionally would earn some extra cash by stripping. It took me a while to get used to that fact, but in the end people are flexible and I adapted.