My First Time As a Sugar Baby [FM]

After two meetings with a “friend” of a girl on my hall, I found myself sitting at a bar with a drink and looking a my watch. It was 3:52 and I was nervous and questioning why I was here. “What was I doing?” ran through my head. I tried to reason with myself that I was bored with college life after only a few weeks. I scanned the room and made eye contact with some men that I thought could be my new “companion” for the evening.

At 4:00, the bartender handed me my credit and pointed me towards a gentleman tucked away and sitting in a booth. I picked up my drink and did my best not to stumble or make an ass of myself as I made my way towards him.

He was tall and fit with salt and pepper hair. He smiled and stood up and greeted me and ushered me in to the booth.

We chatted for a bit and had another drink. My nerves were calming but I still had a knot in my stomach.

Best Hangover Cure – An IV and a Deep Dicking [FM] (Long)

I woke up to someone moving around in my place. I froze for a second, then realized it was my friend Jules, who crashed on my couch after the party. The party that made my head feel like there is an ice pick lodged in my brain.

I pulled on a t-shirt, grabbed my phone, and made my way into my main room. Jules had returned from the bathroom and was back under the covers on the couch. I climbed in on the other side and we quietly discussed the previous evening and did our best to not to laugh, because it hurt too much.

Jules asked me about a guy that I was talking with a few times during the party. She was trying to pry out any deets, but I assured her that nothing happened and she being on my couch was the proof. His name was Jared and he worked for a local tech company. From what I remember, we were discussing micro dosing and shots and IV’s, then it hit me.

I Made a “Bad” Decision Last Night – Part II – Post Sex Masturbation [FM]

Part One –

As I floating down the street towards my place, everything that just happened replayed in my head. The cool air of the evening made my goosebumps from the event more prominent. My body was buzzing even though I didn’t orgasm.

Matt was leaking out of me and it was running down my leg and I didn’t care. I was still high from what just happened and didn’t have urgency in my step. The moisture made it’s way to my flip flip and made an occasional squeak while I entered my building.

As I entered the elevator, a couple my age came into the building and unfortunately, we made eye contact, so I had to hold the door as they failed to exert an extra ounce of energy to increase their saunter to the elevator.

He pressed the 2nd floor button and gave me the once over as she looked at her phone. The elevator stopped and at their floor and they exited the elevator. She finally looked up from her phone and gave me a smirking smile followed by and obnoxious “byyeae”. He looked back at me once more then told her that I lived on the top floor which made her look back, garnering a “you’re a dumb cunt smirk” from me as the doors closed.

I Made a “Bad” Decision Last Night [FM]

I was meeting my boss for drinks. We work remotely for the same small company and meet occasionally for work stuff or drinks.

She’s great, but she always end up trying to set me up. It’s not them, it’s me. All of my life, I have had sex and view it as an experience. I have done some crazy shit and only a handful of times, doubted my decisions. I guess I just haven’t been wowed by any of the men that have bedded me.

Drinks led to dinner, then more drinks. We were joined at dinner by friends of ours and as it got dark outside, people started peeling off. I found myself drinking with a woman named Mel. She was a friend of my bosses and is pretty badass.

We ended up at a local dive bar and next thing I know, I am shooting pool with two men in the back. Mel is paired with Tim and I am paired with Matt. Matt was fit and lean and his skin was leathery brown from working in construction.