Adam Institute Chapter 1 (sci-fi)(femdomish)

Date- March 4, 2376: 6 years after the end of the terminus wars.
Aboard the Orion Alliance ship North Hampton:
“Chief engineer, report to the Captain’s stateroom” the PA system blared. Chief engineer Lieutenant Jacob Raynor put down his holopad and sighed. He had an idea about why he was summoned.
He walked quietly out of North Hampton’s reactor chamber and stepped aboard the transit tube to the stateroom deck.
As he approached captain Alexandra Kellers room, the doors slid open.
“Come in Jake, I have some news” Alex beckoned from inside.
Jake shuffled in and sat quietly on her brown leather devan in the center of her room.
“Can I get you anything? Tea, water?” Alex asked.
“No, thank you ma’am” Jake responded succinctly.
“Why the formality now, I haven’t even told you the news” Alex returned in jest.
“Given the uptick in rather blunt letters from the Adam Institute I keep receiving, I imagine it involves the war repopulation program” jake put bluntly.
Alex just looked at him and in a tired voice responded “yeah”
“You know how I feel about it, especially after I lost Mary on Vega prime” Jake spoke with a twitch of growing anger.
“I don’t mean to be callous Jake, but that was 7 years ago, you have to let go of the hurt” Alex looked at Jake with sympathetic eyes
“I’ll give it up when hell freezes over, or when I’ve gutted the last Korvian.” Jakes eyes flashed with fury.
” This order is coming from on high, Jake, I can’t help you this time. Your physical, mental, and intelligence aptitude puts you in the highest category. You are 2 years past your rotation date and we have no shortage of engineers. You will have to go.” Alex noted
“And if I refuse?” Jake retorted
“They will throw you in chains and take your sperm by force” Alex said with a tinge of melancholy
“So I can either submit, or be raped” Jake weighed his options sarcastically.
Alex looked at him with the same tired eyes and said “yeah”.
“I’ll pack my bags” Jake spoke in a pointed manner.
“We will drop you off with a transport tomorrow morning, they will take you to the Adam Institute’s headquarters orbiting Valex III.”
Jake walked to his storeroom and packed angrily. He tried to sleep after but only ended up pacing the floor for the remainder of the night.
The next morning Jake boarded the transport with as little fanfare as he could manage to convince people to restrain. He felt no honor or joy in what he was doing, only a nauseating perversion.
They arrived on the station following 14 hours in hyperspace. A woman dressed in a tight, white dress with her raven black hair in the tightest bun jake had ever seen came to greet him as he left the transport.
“Good morning lieutenant raynor, we hope you had a good trip. I am dr. Celeste McCaelus, I am the head of the Adam Institute.” The tightly bound woman said.
“Nice to meet you” jake said in a perfunctory mannor.
“We will take your belongings to your room, first we would like to perform an initial extraction” Dr. McCaelus said in an unusually pointed tone.
“An, right to business aren’t we” Jake noted cynically.
“Right this way” Dr. McCaelus directed him to a white room with an obelisk like black post with a hole in the center.
“To stimulate you, we have an entire data base of sexual material designed for maximum stimulation. If you would please undress and place your genitals in the hole.” Dr. McCaelus said without even losing the customer service like smile on her face.
Jake quietly obliged, stripping off his cloths, revealing years of scars on his chiseled body.
“Quite the physique you have Lieutenant, I’d bet you are a prime candidate for our natural breeding program.” Dr. McCaelus chuckled.
“Hmm” jake grunted as the obelisk hole grabbed on to his girthy cock and began pulsing”
“I am activating the database, based on your profile. I can see you are exclusively heterosexual. So i will display our most popular now. Most include a lot of anal sex and, dare I day, tit wanking.” Dr. McCaelus said, some how still keeping a straight face.
The images fed directly into Jake’s implants. Soon, he gripped the obelisk with both hands and let out a massive grunt as a hot stickly load was blasted into the obelisk and piped into a laboratory.
Dr. McCaelus looked on with a devious little smile as she liked her lips. She really enjoyed her job, not just because it helped humanity, but she has a dominatrix complex. As a woman in control of the very few remaining men after the end of the terminus wars, she couldn’t help but develop a fetish for it. She knew full well that she has complete control of this rather attractive lieutenant and that she was going to make him her little whore.
Jake got dressed quietly, unable to wipe the look of shame off of his face.
“We will have results back soon, why don’t you go and rest in your new room.” Dr. McCaelus said softly
“I will” jake said, looking at the floor as he shuffled out of the room and made is way to his room.
After Jake left, Dr. McCaelus chuckled softly “I absolutely love my job” and made her way to the lab.

Manager’s Special

“I want to see the manager NOW” Karen barked.
The now defeated cashier picked up the intercom. “Manager needed on isle 4, manager needed on isle 4.” He said with a deadpan look in is eye. If you looked close enough into his eyes , you could almost see the idea of suicide floating accross his mind.
A tall, well built man strode over to the isle. He walked with an air of confidence as he faced the dreaded Karen having a meltdown in is store.
“I’ll take it from here sean, go take 5” he said to the young cashier.
“What seems to be the issue?” He inquired with a warm smile.
“Your little bastard of a cashier was mocking me. He laughed at me when I said you guys were shorting me meat.” Karen continued her rant ” I will not be cheated out of meat that I pay for!”
“Of course ma’am, we would never think to not deliver our customers all the meat they pay for. How about we discuss this more in my office,” the manager said with a smooth tone.
“Finally, somebody with some manners around here” Karen noted with a huff. She shuffled along next to the manager as they made there way to the office. Karen looked up at the giant of a man. Noting how strong he looked, and way his light brown hair almost sparkled in afternoon light.
They made it back to the office, once in side, she shut the door. She took a seat in front of the desk, but oddly enough the manager sat on his desk, in front of her.
“My name is Jason by the way, and you?” He asked
“Karen” she said, increasingly flustered by this rather seductive manager. She hadn’t been with a man in some time, and her ex husband couldn’t find a clit if even guided to it.
“Would you like something to relax? Perhaps some tea?” Jason asked in a soft tone.
“No, no thanks” Karen could feel herself getting hot.
“Or perhaps you need a good, hard fucking” Jason said as he bent down to just in front of her face, looking her dead in the eye.
Karen didn’t know what to say, she didn’t even believe what had just been said. “Excuse me?” She blurted out.
“You heard me,” Jason said as he lifted her chin “I know what’s been on your mind since we got to this office. I can feel the wet spot you are making in your panties right now.”
Karen blushed beet red. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She couldn’t believe that he was right.
“Y-yes,” Karen quivered,”i want you”.
“Now be a good girl, and ask nicely” Jason chided.
“P-please, will you fuck me silly” Karen said softly.
Without hesitation, Jason quietly undid his tie and took his shirt off, then his pants. He pulled Karen’s white blouse off her small frame and undid her pants and bra.
He picked her up by her legs and pressed her to the wall. His face just inches from her throbbing, belligerent pussy. He gently kissed around her inner thighs and fondled her hole with his tounge before settling on gently sucking her now engorged clitoris. Karen gasped and moaned, as he wore her like a facemask.