Whoever said to [m]e: “No Sex with the Ex”, was de[f]initely wrong!!

So this is a rather long setup for an encounter that happened up until a few hours ago. The biggest reason for me to share this with you guys and girls is, that I try to stop myself from going crazy right now.

Maybe a quick Intro: I’m 22M, pretty muscular but more on the lean than the bulky side. Blue eyes with gray sprinkles, dark blonde hair. About 5,7 ft. tall. I don’t consider myself the prettiest but compliments for my looks aren’t exactly a rarity. She is 23, has long dark brown hair, some magnificent hazel colored eyes and a petite 5,2 ft. build and the sexiest pouty smile I know.

Long story short: We met when I transferred schools a few years ago and became pretty inseparable friends. One thing led to another and I fell for her. And while she had some problems (which she hid quite well in the past 9 years we knew each other, and I’ve only recently become aware of because she told me in confidence when we caught up) and didn’t want a serious relationship we became sort of a thing. Everyone knew how I felt about her and while she didn’t want to make it official she was in love with me too. Time passed… things happened and or changed … she became involved with my best friend and things went down from there… while I still was madly in love with her my head knew it was the right thing to end the contact… fast forward 5 years… I messaged her last Christmas (thank god for liquid courage) and we patched things up from there.