21 [MF] My first time was in a car with a tragic end.

So honestly idk where to begin obvious I’ll be changing details and names for privacy reasons but the big points are the same. I’ve been sitting on this and like 1 other stories for alwhile now and just wanted to share it.

This all went down when I was 18 (21 atm) and still in high school. Atm I was just extremely horny 24/7 I’ve never dated nor had any sexual experiences and honestly just desperate to not be the “virgin” at college. I’m white, around 5’0 (I’m very short lol) with short hair around 170 pounds give or take.

Now the girl who happened to be in my English 4 class at the time was named hannah who was around my height maybe 5’2, also white with dark brown short hair. Overall on the bigger side but atm she had a similar problem. She was also very horny and was down bad to fuck.

So, when we first met via just sitting at the same table we talked some but not alot, only when we got assigned a group project did me and hannah exchange numbers. Now I do this thing were once its past like midnight the sexual desires come out and take control. So at one point late night we were messaging about the project when all the sudden that devil on my shoulder told me to get devious.