I got Used by a couple for years! [FM]

I knew the man from this couple from earlier, I actually had sex with him a few times before I met my husband. A few years into my marriage he contacts me and we start texting/chatting.

Just a note – my husband (then boyfriend) never was all that good in bed. He’s got a decent sized cock but he finishes too quick for me and he’s never been much into eating me out. So once the initial infatuation was gone, sex pretty much means he doing me until he’s close to come, and then I start to rub myself of and try to make myself come at the same time. Usually he beats me to it.

So when this other guy, let’s call him A, tells me he wants to fuck me again I initially turn him down as that’s not who I think I am, but he keeps tempting me and after a few months I give in. My husband works in another part of the country, so I’m home alone one to two weeks here and there. For the next couple of years A comes by and we fuck like mad whenever my boyfriend/fiance is working. The sex is just amazing with this guy. I have 3-4 orgasms every time. And he’s dominant, which I love.