How it all started with the student [MF] (2 of ?)

For the first chapter that gives some of the less scandalous events, check my profile. I’m just picking up where that left off…

We really didn’t talk a whole lot after that night, but I did send something the next day asking if she “enjoyed herself” the night before. She said she had, but then the subject drifted to more mundane topics. At some point, I suggested that she should see my office sometime. I told her I frequently worked late, and she was welcome to come by sometime. She said she’d really like that, and wasn’t doing anything that night. I had to close and lock my office sooner right then and jack off to even be able to stand up my dick was so hard. It didn’t help a lot, but somehow I was able to survive with diminished blood flow to the rest of my body until about 9pm that night.

“Now still a good time” she asked? I had been staring at the phone for a hours in anticipation and nearly screamed when her named popped up. “Yeah of course, everyone’s gone, come on over to X building on campus and I’ll let you in building. Park in the back”. I paced around the office feverishly for a few minutes until I saw headlights whip in and the phone dinged “here”.

How it all started with the student [MF] (1 of ?)

Heads up, this is a long one and will have multiple parts eventually. This is really just backstory, so if you only want the juicy stuff, that’s next.
This is also 100% true, except enough details have been changed to protect the guilty.

I am a long time lurker and this is the first of many stories I can tell of my adventures over the years. Here it goes:

I, mid 30 something male, worked at a University for many years, but always in administration (as in not interfacing with students that much, more running the school). But just because I didn’t work with students didn’t mean I didn’t look at students! The beauty of college is that every girl there is a college age 18-22, which happens to be an age I like (doesn’t every guy?)! I’d wandered around campus many times thinking about the possibilities of bringing one of those girls back to my office, but I liked my job and making any time of first move would be too dangerous. I flirted, but always stopped short of going too far.