I 22 [M] got a blowjob from my moms friend 45 [F].

This was a few years back when I still lived with my mom. My moms friend (also a close family friend) was going trough a super messy divorce, her husband cheated on her and basicaly kicked her out. So my mom told her to live with us and she took my room and I moved downstairs to the guest bedroom. This was not a problem for me, sure I was a little annoyed but hey, divorces are messy and she needed a safe place to stay. She was very grateful for this and constantly asked if I wanted my room back just let her know. But I liked being closer to the kitchen lol.

Going up to about 2 months living with us the divorce was going nowhere but we had become friends I guess since we talked a lot, joked around, watched movies etc. It was nice having her around the house. One afternoon when I was home alone just watching tv she came home from work around noon. We talked about her day for a while and went upstairs and took a shower. When she came down she was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt and sat down beside me watching tv.