Innoculation pt. 1

[My first attempt at writing erotica, went for a pretty dark theme. Feel free to give me constructive criticism.]

#orgasmcontrol #scifi #dark #fantasy

The waiting room was empty, they sat together, his hand on her lower thigh as they waited to be called in. A large clock above the door ticking annoyingly. “That clock is so ‘old school’” he said, “you really have to go out of your way to find that kind of a timepiece now-a-days.” She nodded, adding a low, reticent “Yes” as she did. He watched the timepiece, his hand firmly grabbing hold of her thigh.

Her heart was beating hard, harder than ever before, as if it was desperately trying to crawl out of her chest. The immense anticipation for what they were about to do, it dawning on her that she could hardly withdraw now. She jumped with scare as a door suddenly opened and a large man in a doctor’s robe nodded at them, telling them he was ready for them now. At this point she felt like she was just observing, feeling her body stand up, the hand of her husband lightly on her back as he guided her in front of him towards the doctor’s office.