Innoculation pt. 1

[My first attempt at writing erotica, went for a pretty dark theme. Feel free to give me constructive criticism.]

#orgasmcontrol #scifi #dark #fantasy

The waiting room was empty, they sat together, his hand on her lower thigh as they waited to be called in. A large clock above the door ticking annoyingly. “That clock is so ‘old school’” he said, “you really have to go out of your way to find that kind of a timepiece now-a-days.” She nodded, adding a low, reticent “Yes” as she did. He watched the timepiece, his hand firmly grabbing hold of her thigh.

Her heart was beating hard, harder than ever before, as if it was desperately trying to crawl out of her chest. The immense anticipation for what they were about to do, it dawning on her that she could hardly withdraw now. She jumped with scare as a door suddenly opened and a large man in a doctor’s robe nodded at them, telling them he was ready for them now. At this point she felt like she was just observing, feeling her body stand up, the hand of her husband lightly on her back as he guided her in front of him towards the doctor’s office.

The doctor closed the door behind them as they sat in front of his desk. He greeted both of them with a smile and then proceeded to sit down, for a moment the room was quiet as he found her file on the computer, displaying it on his screen, revisiting the case. “Right, it’s been fifteen months since you came to me to talk about the procedure.” he turned and looked at her, “Are you currently abstaining?” – She looked down and nodded, too terrified to even talk.

Her husband took over. “Yes, she’s diligently abstained now for the prescribed year, and about 40 days on top of that.”

“Have you had any complications? Close calls?” the doctor asked.

“The expected occasional edging gone way too far, but at this point in time it’s been about four months since the last close call, give a week perhaps. Other than that, it’s been going superb.”

The doctor looked at her and gestured for her to look at him, seeing her eyes wet with tears. “Is what he’s saying accurate?”, he demanded a reply from her so she nodded and gathered the strength to reply: “Yes. I’ve lost track of the days honestly, but it sounds about right.”

He questioned her further, “Have you masturbated and edged at least at the start and end of every day?” She kept looking at him as she answered and confirmed that, “Often a lot more.”

Her husband nodded in approval and looked at the doctor. “What’s your take? Do you think she’s shown enough self control for the procedure?” The doctor smiles, “There’s just one last examination to see if she’s ready and then we can schedule the operation. Please, if you’d lay down on the examination bench?”

She stood up and sat on the bench, slowly laying down and spreading her legs, she knew that was the point of it all anyways. The doctor pulled up a chair, put on a pair of gloves and lifted her skirt to examine her, seeing her tight, white panties. A large noticeable patch of wetness was on the underside of them, even with them clearly being a fresh pair of panties. He pulled the line of the panties to the side, exposing her dripping slit to him and ran a glove covered finger up it, and resting it on her swollen clit. A gasp escaped her lips as he wiggled his finger there ever so slightly and her thighs instinctively clamped together slightly as she almost immediately edged by his almost absent touch. Her body jolted intensely as his touch brought her to the edge time after time.

Eventually he pulled away and turned to her husband. She lay on the bench catching her breath after what felt like forever of refraining from orgasm. His touch hit hard, this was his specialty after all. The doctor started talking and she could hear the words: “Bring her in on friday for the operation. It’ll only take about thirty minutes and she’ll be able to waltz right out of here.” Finally he fetched a syringe and a fresh needle, “We can do the injection now, though. She’ll feel the effects almost immediately and the result is permanent.” She couldn’t believe her ears, after all this time it was finally happening. As the needle pushed through her skin it was almost pleasurable and the highly potent designer drug’s effect were indeed immediate. Her cunt felt warm and her whole body tensed up with an uncontrollable urge, a deep need for touch, as if her libido got amplified to an unmeasurable extent. A wave of pleasure hit her clit, she gasped as she could feel just how the damp fabric of her underwear alone brought her almost to an edge. This was much more intense than she ever imagined. – The doctor chuckled, “You’ll have to take good care to keep her from orgasming, and after the procedure she will be begging not to orgasm ever again, for her life.”

She whined loudly as she edged from hearing those words alone.



  1. I am anxious to get the next part. Well written and short at that. What is the procedure that will be completed in Friday?

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