I had been travelling for 14 hours straight from Seoul. You would think I’d be tired but I had slept most of the way. The past week had been hectic. No time for anything. Just meetings, conferences, long nights out drinking and going to singing rooms. It has been so busy and I was so done every night I didn’t even have time rub myself or to cum. It had been almost two weeks now and my balls ached and swelled. I even had an embarrassing moment on the plane where the flight attendant offered me some champagne and then she looked down and giggled. I had just woke up from the most beautiful dream and my shaft pushed hard against my pants as clear day. It twitched against the outline. She seemed a little embarrassed but at the same time thrilled by it.
As I got off the plane I actually felt rejuvenated, full of energy, And full of bright green lust. It’s not mentioned often but the testosterone build up in men from not cumming makes every muscle feel bigger, makes every stride longer, and every word more confident. After a successful week, pulling in a fair bit of money I wanted to celebrate. I had 6 hours before my connection to Pearson and decided to saunter in with that extra wide stride into the airport lounge.