Ginger Surpise

(A kiss and tell true story)

A few years back I had just exited my first ltr after a long divorce. Started as a FWB during last year of my divorce and lasted almost a year and a half. While we had plenty of wild adventures , I hadn’t really had my true post divorce slut phase, and boy did I make up for it.

It was a wild many months of dating, hookups and wild sexy fun. I was enjoying myself and meeting some amazing women.

One night in particular I was way more sexed up then normal. I was invited to a private party at a new revitalized part of the city. It was an industry event but this was way fancier then a bbq and free beer under a tent. They had a proper guest list and you were not getting in without being on it. My name was there, verified with a ID and i as escorted to a large elevator. When it opened I was greeting by an amazing party scene. My goal in my head was simple, make a new friend.

Categorized as Erotica

Best friends mom Part 4

After work I was always the horniest. It didn’t help I had a brief dry spell and I started using weed during/after work quite frequently. Not that I needed much of a stimulant but pretty much as soon as the other euphoric effects kicked in so did the extra bulge.

This particular night it was way stronger than normal. I got home and only had about 8hrs before my next shift. I went straight to the shower to cleaned up, the bulge didn’t let up the entire shower, felt so nice to stroke it too. Decided I would enjoy that fully later in bed, but first I needed to get my uniform in the washer.

I noticed the door to laundry room open and W was folding laundry…..i was very buzzed and nearly tripping over my erection , but for some reason I was fearless.

It was like I was in a dream. I was in just my underwear, and i adjusted my bulge so it was less a pup tent and more a very visible outline…and marched on in with my clothes to the washing machine

Best Friends Mom – Part 3 – Day at the Lake

The true story continues

True stories, living at my best friends house during college, sex obsessed when 18-19yo)


[part 2](

The summer pretty much continued with my exhibition urges becoming stronger. Anytime we were home alone i would never wear underwear and would always be very obviously sporting wood. Quite a few times she left the bathroom door open (i swear on purpose) and i finally got a great eye full of her full hairy pussy….as she giggled “oops sorry, didn’t know you were up here!”

Even with hooking up steady with various girls over the summer i was still fantasizing about this older woman. Didn’t help the the back fence neighbor was a similarly curvy older lady who would Love to sun bath in a tiny bikini….I was very sexed up.

When not home I was always rifling through her panty drawer and the hamper to find fresh used panties. In one search I found a very large old school vibrator (the white simple shape hard plastic type) … all I could think of was her enjoying that big toy and hoping to catch her …..and those batteries were fresh…dammit she must use this regularly.

Best friends mom (part 2)

(True stories, living at my best friends house during college, sex obsessed when 18-19yo)


After my sexual explosion in the TV room, I became obsessed. Just the thought of how hard I came that night would immediately have me wanting to try it again. I kept wondering how far I could push it. I knew i had to be subtle but i wanted to get her to notice me.

I noticed W was acting slightly more flirty and i was much more accepting which she seemed to really like. I’d be sure to stand close to her so her big ass or tits would rub against me. If she grabbed my ass I usually pushed back which would make her giggle an evil laugh.

On a day i knew it was just her and I at home. I started pretending to nap in the recliner, and if she started coming around me i would shift my shorts so my cock head would be poking out….but was sure to look also sleep. After a few trips by me as she worked around the house , she stopped just out of my view…but knew she had fully view of me…..i could hear her heavy breathing and swear i heard her whisper “oh my”. I really wanted to see her reaction….hearing her breathing was hit though. I imagine her staring and licking her lips….it was making my cock pulse

Best Friends Mom (Part 1) – was she asleep?

(True story) Lived with my best friends family during freshman year of college. I was 18 and constantly horny (still am). Sharing a room with my pal didn’t allow much Jack time, and work/school schedule even made a shower time simply too short (always in a rush). So “my time” was usually late at night after work and i would have they downstairs den to myself….but sometimes the mom would show up.

His mom (W) was a short chubby lady, with short black hair and giant tits that contacted you anytime you got within 2 ft of her. She had no filter when talking (such a potty mouth but it was always entertaining), was a amazing cook and she was always sweet to me….almost too sweet. She would get this gleem in her eye and next thing I knew she would pinch my ass and giggle. First few times i was honestly shocked and didn’t know what to make of it (stupidity and youth)….but slowly i looked forward to it.