Me and my bf live about 3 hours away from each other so we don’t really meet up often. This weekend he came down to my place to spend some time and it turned into a real sex-scape. We were going at it for hours, sometimes even 5 hours straight but I wanted to highlight this extremely sexy thing he did. He tied my hands up to the edge of our bed, blindfolded me and started things real slow. Gave me soft kisses on my cheek and lips. Then he sucked my neck and fuck was I squirming. He spanked me and gagged me and told me to “shut the fuck up” (really turns me on). Then he kissed my breast. Licking the area surrounding my nipples and then fucking bit and suck my nipples sore. This is when it gets interesting, he whispered into my ear that he’ll be right back. Suddenly I felt this cold intense sensation on my nipples. I was overwhelmed and confused as I was blindfolded. Turns out my bf used the Oreo McFlurry we bought for dessert as another form of dessert if ya get what I mean ?? he squeezed my breast, licked off the ice cream and sucked my nipples hard while saying “I fucking love your breast”. So guys/girls out there, there are other ways to eat your ice cream ??????❤❤