[M]assage therapy never [F]ails

Going along with this sub-reddit, which i enjoy, I’ll share some more stories from the archives, REAL stories, some may find appealing, some may find, “eh.”

It is a cold fall night, and i am bored and just bored, not mention i am horny as ever. This is before i began feeling comfortable going out to the bar by myself, which now i do, i mean shit the first time i did i got lucky. But that is not this case. Usually i like to go to a public area and just see who is around, or who i can talk to, like the casino or grocery store (yes i’ll actually play games or do some bs shopping). Tonight became a different case, for where i live, which isn’t far from a popular strip of prostitution (wasn’t going that route tn), I went online just scrolling my night away until my eyes shut. Everything seemed hopeless until a female i grew up with had posted, at like one in the morning, she wanted a massage. For the sake of this story, I’ll name her Tiana.

[M]elissa and I had [F]un

While working at a gym, i saw a lot of beautiful, gorgeous beings. Skinny, fat, gay, straight, tall, short, you name it. A little background, I used to work the front desk at a popular gym, at various times of the day, and we are located near some of the major banking centers so a lot of professionals come in directly after work (25-40). We’re 24 hours, and I worked the rush hour, people scanning in left and right coming from work, still in their suits and dresses (eventually you’ll catch on to where). So we offer a massage chair service for members with an upgraded service, which people don’t take seriously. Every day, this brown skin, caramel Goddess, who, I’ll name Melissa, is an eligble member. Usually she comes in with a coworkr/friend, PAWG, the loud mouth slutty type, ghetto as ever and can’t keep her shit together but got soul. So every once in a while we’d just lock eyes as i check her in, and man, her eyes were like the perfect shade of brown, don’t stare too long or you’ll get hypnotized. Checking her in was the moment i always look forward to working there after we met each other.