A few years ago my group of friends and I made friends with a group of au pair from South America who were part of an international program. We all hung out a few times before I had sex with one of the ladies, we’ll call her Sara. Sara was younger than me, only 19, about 5’3″, cute, with an average body and cute face. Tiny A cups, but strong legs and core. She was really passionate in bed (like all latinas) and liked to moan in Spanish while we fucked. We hooked up a lot, but it was clear we were just having sex and nothing more. She seemed super chill about it all which was great.
Fast forward a couple months and a few dozen fucks later and her group invites my friends and I to a party with other au pairs. Sara comes over to my place, we have sex, then head over to the party. We all hang out and drink and have a good time.