Stephanie’s Discovery [FM][Fdom]

“Hey, Steph, you listening?”

Tom’s stocky frame leaned into the side of her cubicle. Stephanie secretly hoped it would buckle and send him to the floor.

“Yes, sorry.” Her voice came out so quietly he had to strain to hear her. She tucked a small tuft of her mousey brown hair behind an ear.

“You really need to pay better attention, or you’re not going to get very far in this company.” He took a long sip of his tepid coffee. “Anyway, I’m going to need both those financial reports on that ILP acquisition by Friday.”

Stephanie blinked, looking visibly confused. “But I thought those were supposed to be yours and Steve’s responsibility?”

He coughed. “Yeah, well Steve and I are going to be working on a new restructuring internally, and those new hires we got need to be trained. We’re just going to be too busy for it, and they need to be done ASAP.”

“I’ve already got so much going on, though. I have to get our entire department’s budget report finished before the 15th, and-”

Tom cut her off. “Steph, you’re doing it, okay? I don’t want to get Bill involved, but you know how he feels about people not being a team player.”

[FF][MF][TG] Shifting the Balance

Alyssa woke with a start, her phone sounding off loud klaxons telling her she had 20 minutes to get ready for her first class.

Fuck, she thought, how the hell did I sleep through 3 alarms?!

She groggily rolled over, scooped up the phone, and clumsily swiped her thumb over the screen, silencing it.

She took a deep breath, and sat upright. It wasn’t even light out yet, no class should be this early. Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, she tried to find her slippers, remembering that she’d left them across the room.

“Of course,” she sighed.

She picked up her phone again, checking her notifications. Three missed texts from Gina, a snap from Kylie, and a text from Josh. She smirked. She was pretty sure Josh wanted to make a move on her, but the boy was just too shy. She wasn’t even sure how she felt about him, but maybe that would change if he’d just come out and say it.

Gina’s texts were mostly raccoon memes, with one laying on the ground, like a puddle, sleeping, and the caption ‘Damn I’m flat.’ She was always putting her own body down. It irked Alyssa a bit, considering she thought Gina was such a beautiful person.

[MF] The Gift

This is my original story. I allowed u/Taborator to post it, but it’s my original work.


Emma stared at her ceiling, eyes defocused as she laid motionless. She’d been awake for nearly twenty minutes, but just could not find the motivation to leave her bed. It was a Saturday, and she had no plans. Why should she have to “get up,” anyway?

She reached for her phone on her bed’s side table, and lazily flicked her thumb across the screen to unlock it. Opening Instagram, she started scrolling through the infinite column of content. At the moment, most of it was food.

“Fuck,” she groaned. She was hungry. Beautifully edited photos of sugar-dusted pastries and grilled meats dominated her timeline.

*I guess the whole eating thing might be a good enough reason to get up*, she admitted to herself.

She briefly wondered if her parents were going to make breakfast today. Probably not, if she didn’t smell it already. She definitely couldn’t con her sister into it either. She was so stressed about heading to college at the end of the summer, her sleep schedule was all over the place. She probably wasn’t even awake yet.

[FF] The Djinn

Based on the prompt from u/BodyComplimenterNSFW.


“So, what exactly is it, again?” Cassie cocked her eyebrow in slight confusion as she held the small cube.

“It’s a puzzle box,” the elderly man behind the counter replied. “You move the box in specific ways, until it finally allows you inside. It’s a fun way to store things.” His bifocals straddled the very tip of his nose, threatening to fall off at any moment.

The redhead hefted the item, feeling how unusually heavy it was. “How much?” She had a suspicious look on her face.

“Well, I could let it go for…fifty? I did pick it up at a curio stand a few years back from a quality maker.”

“Hm,” she pondered for a minute, her hazel eyes flicking between it and the store owner. “Forty, and I’ll pay cash.”

The man chuckled. “You’re a tough nut, but I can do that. Deal.”

She paid, thanked him, and started the long walk home. She put the trinket in her coat pocket, and pulled the wool cap down further on her head. It was bitterly cold today, and she wanted to get home as soon as possible.

[MF][TG] The Perfect Girlfriend

“Duuuuuude,” Jake groaned out, “I swear time is slowing down.”

Elliot rolled his eyes, straightening up the beef jerky display. He paid careful attention to lining up each of the cardboard packers, keeping them flush with the shelf’s edge. “That’s because you’re staring at the clock, dumbass.”

“Whatever. We’ve gotten all of like three customers today. I’m so fucking bored.” He leaned over the counter, slamming his head down on it with a loud *thud*.

“If you’re that bored, why don’t you go unpack the pallet for tomorrow morning?” Elliot’s faux customer service voice rang out especially hollow with the request.

“Oh fuck you, that stuff’s heavy and it’s not like we won’t have plenty of time in the morning.” Jake’s head was still down on the counter, muffling his voice slightly.

*Yeah, because I always get here early*, Elliot thought. “Can you keep your eyes open for the next 5 minutes? I gotta use the bathroom.”

A muffled “Whatever” was all he got back. He glanced outside into the empty parking lot, scanning to make sure there wasn’t going to be any sudden rush, unlikely as it was on a Thursday afternoon. Satisfied, he turned and walked back towards the employee bathroom, which just so happened to be the only bathroom. He pushed open the door, and fumbled for the light switch.