Sucking my boss 18+ (M/20’s)(M/40’s)

I worked in promoting for a bit in my early 20’s. It was a sweet gig because I didn’t have a set schedule and as long as I handled my end, nobody really interacted with me. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for me to put in less than six hours a day, taking days off during the week as I needed, no questions asked. Also, nobody worked weekends. It was a chill environment. My boss, a man in his early 40’s, was pretty relaxed about things. It wasn’t the job I was gonna retire from but for a young guy who’s till valued his free time but wanted to make some decent money, it was perfect. About a year and a half into the job, I had an experience that changed my life.

I came into the office one morning to drop off some paperwork and grab my check(this is before direct deposit). We had just wrapped up with a big account and I was taking a three day weekend, due to me working close to 50 hours over the last 4 days to get it finished the way they wanted. My boss was in, judging by his car being the only one there. It was early, typical for me being an early riser, not so typical for him, as he normally worked from 8 or 9 in the morning until evening. Sometimes he would come in early like this but not often.