[FFM] I fucked my two coworkers at a regional conference

See profile for story of my first time with Allie.

Usually a few weeks after the busy season ended my firm would send us to a regional conference of various small to mid sized sister firms. This conference was held a few hours away, so the firm would rent out hotel rooms and we would stay the three days, two nights. It being my first time out, I was happy to see that, while it wasn’t the Ritz Carlton (not that I had been expecting that), it also wasn’t a Motel 6 or Super 8. It was a decent hotel in the middle of the big city. Our firm had gotten several rooms on the higher floors. The views were amazing.

To address the elephant in the room for those who have read my past story involving Allie, nothing had happened between us in the time between April 16th and mid July, when this story takes place. We got along fine, there was still light flirting, and we still tended to pair off at different outings with the other juniors, but there was no physically intimate relationship between us, casual or otherwise. Still, for those who haven’t read my story involving her, I’ll briefly describe here here.

I [M] banged my coworker [F] at the end of my first tax season. [MF]

As what would normally be the tax deadline approaches I’ve been thinking more and more about the opportunities that I’ve had during my career. Most of them professional, but some of them more NSFW. I figured I would share a story from my first busy season some time ago. To describe myself briefly, I’m a pretty average guy. I’ve been called handsome, but I think that has more to do with the fact that I am put together and practice normal self care. I excercise, eat right, and take care of my skin, hair, teeth.

Out of college I found a job with a small/mid sized firm. It was large enough that, after all this time, I couldn’t tell you how many employees there were, but it was small enough that at the time I quickly knew everyone’s name and faces. The junior staff skewed heavily female over male. In those first few months I had many questions, as new hires usually do, most too simple to bother a senior or manager with, so I leaned on the other juniors, most of them other first years and second years, to get some guidance. Ultimately, I directed most of my questions to Allie. It was her second year with the firm and she was great at explaining everything I needed to know. She was short, slim, with narrow hips, flawless pale skin, green eyes, a great butt, and breasts that I would describe as slightly more than a handful. She wore her black hair in a Bob and her smile was contagious.