I was at Luis’ (from previous posts) apartment for a usual suck and fuck session when the conversation of bringing another man into the mix came up. It was an odd coincidence that both Luis and my husband told me that they get turned on seeing me with other men.
I told Luis that I was open to it but it had to be someone that he knew and trusted, but I didn’t want that person to know who I was. I would have to wear a mask or something.
We searched online and found a batman mask. I didn’t want something that would cover my whole head, for breathing reasons and for the sake of sucking cock. Lol.
We ordered the mask from Amazon and once it came we planned a day to make it happen.
Both Luis and I were off from work one day and I was at his place. We were laying in bed and his phone rang. It was his friend telling him that he was on his way. I was completely naked and he told me to put my mask on. He also said that he was going to blindfold me too. He gave me the option of taking the blindfold off if I wanted to see who the person was at any time.