Memories of a Midwestern Spring [M21 F20][cheat][69][cons]

Recent stories I’ve posted about my experiences with my wife Lucy have got me thinking about the past. Lucy and I met in college and were married shortly after we graduated, and we’ve had an amazing (if sometimes bumpy) relationship. But I did have one or two notable experiences before her…

In high school I was pretty shy. My best friend Gary was the more outgoing of the two of us, and he often took the lead on social activities. Looking back, I think I spent a lot of time in his shadow.

It wasn’t until I got to college that I began to come into my own. I was tall and thin and not completely unattractive. I liked to socialize, and soon I had created a circle of friends that I was comfortable hanging out with—a little bit nerdy, funny, and full of pop-culture references and historical trivia. Our close-knit group consisted of me, Dan, Arnie, and four women—Christine, Lea, Becky, and Hannah. We didn’t become a truly cohesive group until spring semester of sophomore year. The four girls had been roommates since they were freshmen and they sort of adopted us guys.

Auction Night Part 3 [M+F+ over 25][cheat][exhib][bdsm][anal]

[Read Part 1.1 here.](

[Read Part 1.2 here.](

[Read Part 1.3 here.](

[Read Part 2 here.](

After Tom and Lucy’s incredible erotic coupling the energy in the room was electric. Couples were openly fondling each other. Champagne Lady was standing behind her husband, both hands holding his stiff cock and jerking it up and down. Another couple that I knew were parent in Lucy’s class were taking turns sucking each other—first the guy would crouch down to lick his wife’s pussy, then they switched places and she’d suck him off.

In the middle of all of this sexual energy Jack strode confidently to the stage. Even in this bizarre spectacle he maintained an even composure, as though nothing could faze him.

Jack was tall — about 6’4 — with short black hair that was graying at the temples. Like Tom, it was clear from his posture and bearing that he had the time to attend to his physique. The tuxedo was tailored to him perfectly.

He walked over to Grace and gave her a long kiss. “Let’s hear it for our Mistress of Ceremonies!” he said, and the crowd applauded (at least, those who weren’t busy doing other things).

Auction Night Part 1.3 [M+F+ over 25][cheat][exhib][bdsm]

Filling in the missing pieces from Part 1…

[Read Part 1.1 here.](

[Read Part 1.2 here.](

Lucy was displayed on stage, trussed up in red ropes, her thigh high stockings black against her pale skin. Grace, Raj, and Lakshmi circled her.

“Hello, Lucy,” said Lakshmi. “How are you doing?”

“Hi, Lakshmi,” said Lucy. “I’m good. I guess this is how you guys do parent/teacher conferences at your school?”

The crowd laughed. Champagne Lady pushed herself closer to her hubby and reached over to unzip his pants, cradling his erect member in her slender hands.

Grace turned to Raj and Lakshmi. “Your bid allows you oral privileges,” Grace told them. “You may both give and receive. How would you like to begin?”

“I would like to offer myself to Lucy,” Raj said.

He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, fat and thick but shorter than mine. He walked over to Lucy. The pole dancer guided her blind-folded face toward Raj’s waiting cock.

Auction Night Part 1.2 [M+F+ over 25] [cheat][exhib][bdsm]

The second half of my original post got lost, so I’ve tried to recreate it here. Part 1.3 coming soon!

[Read Part 1.1 here.](

I am normally not into these types of school booster events, but I knew it would mean a lot to Lucy if I joined her so I agreed. I quickly changed into a nice pair of pants and a dress shirt while Lucy put on a summer dress that made her look really good without being inappropriate. I reached over and rubbed her ass. She pushed my hand away.

“Not now! We need to get going.”

The silent auction was at the school. A bunch of parents were there, including most of the families of the kids in Lucy’s classes. They all wanted to say hello and tell her what an amazing teacher she was. Seriously, it was like she was a celebrity — there was a constant line of people coming over to gush over her. Lucy’s not at all a vain person, but I could tell that she was enjoying the attention.

The Dinner Party [MF mf over 30]

Gary and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We grew up together, played together, and went to school together in the same small town from kindergarten through high school. Although we attended different colleges we stayed in close touch and ended up working in the same big city. When I married Lucy Gary was my best man, and for quite a while the thee of us spent time together — he and Lucy hit it off so well, it was just an easy and natural fit.

I met and married Lucy well before Gary was involved with anybody special. A few years ago he met Teresa, and soon it was clear that their relationship was serious. They got engaged about six months after they met and were married a year after that.

I believed that Gary loved Teresa, and I believed that she loved him, too. However, part of me had to selfishly admit that I missed the days when the three of us could just hang out. Teresa was always cordial toward Lucy and me, but she was just… what? Honestly, a little bit of a stick in the mud. Sweet and generous but missing that spark and spontaneity.

Auction Night Part 2 [M+F+ over 20] [cheat] [exhib] [bdsm]

[Read Part 1.1 here.](

[Read Part 1.2 here.](

[Read Part 1.3 here.](

My wife Lucy was on the stage, panting after the oral threesome she had just endured. Her breasts strained against the Japanese bondage ropes with each breath she took. Her pussy was wet and pulsing from the loving attention that Lakshmi had just given it.

Grace gave Lucy a nod, then turned to the audience. “The next bidder up is Tom Sullivan. Tom, come up to the stage and claim your prize!”

A man in the front of the room quickly hopped on stage. I recognized him, too — he had been one of the dads who paid particular attention to Lucy during the school auction. I wondered if Grace and Jack and given him advance notice about who he was bidding for. Given the numbers that I had seen on the auction list, Tom was willing to pay a pretty penny.

“Hi, Lucy,” Tom said. “Having fun?”

Lucy smiled back at him. “Hey, Tom,” she said. “I’m doing alright. That was quite the introduction.”

Auction Night Part 1 [F28, F30, F36, M28, M32, M35, M44]

My wife Lucy and I both grew up in the Midwest. We met at a small liberal arts college in Ohio (it would probably take you less than three guesses to figure out which one).

I was a computer science major and Lucy studied history, but she soon learned that her passion was teaching. After we graduated she got a job as a middle school history teacher at a private school. She was a natural — the combination of her youth, sense of humor, excitement for the subject, and most importantly her sincere desire to connect with EVERY student quickly made her the most popular teacher at school. Lucy was everybody’s favorite, from the straight-A do-gooders to the fuck-up stoners and the goth girls with Doc Martens. They all loved her.

Which made it so difficult when the small company I worked for got bought by a big software giant and we had to relocate to Silicon Valley. The kids were devastated, and Lucy was really sad, too. It was a rough few weeks as she said goodbye to her students and parents and we began to prepare for our new life in California.