Hello all, I'm a senior in college who despite considering myself to be hetero, I love the feeling of anal play. I know this isn't anything new or even that unique, lots of guys do this and it's perfectly normal. So I'm not writing this because I'm unique, I'm writing it in the hopes that someone else out there that was unconfident like me, gets the courage and reassurance ti try it out!
I had tried anal play off and on several times starting in middle school. It had started with fingers and butt sharpies (stick to fingers or real sex toys, don't risk a trip to the er). I would try it and slightly enjoy it, but then I would supress it out of embarassment, and not try again for months. Finally at some point I gathered the courage to get my first sex toy. I got it at Spencers gifts, a simple vibrator, because they apparently weren't too tight on there carding policy. The buzzing feeling made me once and for all reconcile that I liked the feeling, but the social stigma was still there, so I got rid of it. After that I'd had conversations with two of my closest friends, females, about the topic. They were supportive and one of them actually gifted me a vibrator to try again after I had gotten rid of my first one out of embarassment. This was when I started becoming comfortable with it.