Last minute cancellations lead to an amazing time for three high school seniors camping on the beach [MFM]

Everyone wants to remember the summer after their senior year as one for the books. We had wanted to do the same, and all heard stories of past graduating classes staging elaborate pranks, beach bonfire parties and endless attempts to be forever young.

Our group wasn’t the “crazy party” type, usually. We opted for something a little more mellow yet just as memorable to us at least.

The plan was to take two cars a half hour down the coast to some surfer camp sites that barely anyone used. No reservations needed, we were going to stay up both nights stargazing and spend the days at the beach or exploring the trails.

That was the plan, at least until half of our group came down with food poisoning. Two girls and one of the guys went out to dinner the night before and all weren’t feeling well the next day. I called Robby and gave him the bad news.

Robby and I had played football together all throughout highschool. We had actually been on rival Pop Warner teams when younger but never directly faced each other since we both enjoyed playing the same position.