I Accidentally Turned My Mother Into A Sex Robot [M/F, Incest – Mom/Son, Mind Control/Hypnosis Drugging, Sexual Enslavement] Book 1

Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic mind control fiction with elements of coerced sexual activity; all characters are 18+


“Alex, what the hell are these?”

I’ve only just come through the front door when I hear my mom’s panicked voice trickle down the hall.

*Oh fuck*, my mind whirs, realizing three things all at once: my mom is in my room, she’s found something she doesn’t like, and that something could be any number of things.

The hardcore MILF porn, perhaps, or those weed laced cigarettes my best friend, Billy, gave me last summer. Maybe she’d found the love letters I wrote, but never sent, to my older cousin Sarah (forgive a boy for going through puberty while his mom made his total smokeshow of a cousin babysit him, for God’s sake!).

I slink down the hall, nervously pulling the straps of my backpack tighter around me, and peek into my bedroom. “What are you doing in my room?”

“Cleaning,” my softspoken mother says with tears in her eyes. “Are you on drugs?”

Turning My Innocent Neighbor Into A Cumslut [m/f] [Str8] [drugs] [nc]

Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic mind control fiction with elements of coerced sexual activity; all characters are 18+


“Go away, Charlie.”

The way my next-door neighbor says my name is like a swearword and it stings. It never matters if I’m trying to help the ungrateful brat, or if I desperately need help myself (such as last Monday my car wouldn’t start, and Sydney couldn’t even be bothered to borrow her dad’s jumper cables, so I was thirty minutes late to work); she always treats me like shit, even though I’ve done nothing to deserve it.

I glare up at her from the bottom of her porch steps and mutter, “I just thought you’d like to know your dog is running off down the street.”

“What? No, he’s not!” She rushes past me to check the back gate, which I know she’ll find ajar, seeing as it was the second thing I noticed after witnessing her Golden Retriever book it down the road.

“Shit!” She runs down the gravel drive barefoot, and then begins screaming his name into the wind. “Baxter! Baxter?”

I Accidentally Turned My Mother Into A Sex Robot [M/F, Incest – Mom/Son, Mind Control/Hypnosis Drugging, Sexual Enslavement] Book 1, Pt 2

[Part One Here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vcg0yz/i_accidentally_turned_my_mother_into_a_sex_robot/)

**PART TWO, Book 1:**

My pulse hammers so hard in my brain that I can’t think straight. My mom saunters over to me, her breasts jiggling enticingly, her hips sashaying back and forth with each catlike stride. I want to tell her that this isn’t funny, that it’s not right to tease her son like this, but my mouth won’t work right, only groaning uselessly as she sinks to her knees before me.

No girl has ever looked at me the way my mom is looking at me right now. Like she wants to consume me—to devour my cock and cum with her plump, painted lips. When she rests her warm hand on my bare knee, I suddenly realize that she’s not joking or teasing me, and that the pills have definitely altered her somehow.

“Mom, I think the drugs have kicked in,” I bite out.

My voice is low and hoarse, like I’ve been kicked in the throat. I want to push her away, but at the same time, I want her to keep touching me. God, I’m such a fucking pervert. I’m definitely going to go to hell if I don’t stop this.

I Accidentally Turned My Mother Into A Sex Robot [M/F, Incest – Mom/Son, Mind Control/Hypnosis Drugging, Sexual Enslavement] Book 1, Pt 1

**PART ONE, Book 1:**

“Alex, what the hell are these?”

I’ve only just come through the front door when I hear my mom’s panicked voice trickle down the hall.

*Oh fuck*, my mind whirs, realizing three things all at once: my mom is in my room, she’s found something she doesn’t like, and that something could be any number of things.

The hardcore MILF porn, perhaps, or those weed laced cigarettes my best friend, Billy, gave me last summer. Maybe she’d found the love letters I wrote, but never sent, to my older cousin Sarah (forgive a boy for going through puberty while his mom made his total smokeshow of a cousin babysit him, for God’s sake!).

I slink down the hall, nervously pulling the straps of my backpack tighter around me, and peek into my bedroom. “What are you doing in my room?”

“Cleaning,” my softspoken mother says with tears in her eyes. “Are you on drugs?”

She holds up a little baggy of white pills and I nearly choke on my own spit. Shit. I’d totally forgotten about those.

“God no, mom! It’s not—”

“Because you could tell me you know. I’d get you help!”

Turning My Innocent Neighbor Into A Cumslut [M/F, Mind Control/Hypnosis Drugging, Sexual Enslavement] Book 1, Pt 3

[Part Two Here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v3nclk/turning_my_innocent_neighbor_into_a_cumslut_mf/)

**PART 3, Book 1**

I drive us out to Sugarman’s Park and park way out in the sticks. It’ll be empty at this time, because everyone from around here attends the Sunday service (and anyone who doesn’t is already an antisocial outcast who won’t bother us or be bothered by us). I’ve been so focused on getting here that it’s only after I’ve parked that I realize Sydney and I have just sat in silence, like a boy and his robot, or something.

“It’s a pretty day,” I say casually, because it still feels like I should talk to her like she’s . . . well, her.


Her eyes are less watery now when she gazes back at me, and I can’t help but grin at her. She’s really easy to talk to when she’s all quiet and agreeable like this. But I’ve already wasted fifteen or twenty minutes driving out this far, and it’ll take me at least that to get back—which means we don’t have much time to shoot the breeze and do all the other things I want to try to do.

“Why don’t you like me?” I find myself asking anyway.

Turning My Innocent Neighbor Into A Cumslut [M/F, Mind Control/Hypnosis Drugging, Sexual Enslavement] Book 1, Pt 2

[Part One Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v2w8do/turning_my_innocent_neighbor_into_a_cumslut_mf/)

**PART TWO, Book 1**

“Charlie, there’s someone at the door for you.”

I groggily rub at my eyes as I sit up in my bed. It’s got to be bumfuck early in the morning, because I’m always up by eight, and no one ever comes around for me.

“Who?” I croak, blinking owlishly at my mother. She’s smiling so hard that I think her face might crack. Confusion lances through me until she says, nearly flapping her hands in excitement, “The neighbor girl. Sydney, isn’t it?”

“Oh . . . okay.”

This isn’t the good news she thinks it is and I know it. It’s the morning of the wedding and there’s no reason for Sydney to be here, unless she’s going to make up some excuse to cancel on me. “Thanks mom, tell her I’ll be right out.”

Still, she’s got some balls to come say it to my face rather than just stand me up or make her parents do it or something. I have to respect her for that. Not enough to abandon my plan of using the powder on her if she really does bail on me, but still. I’ll be nice about it. I won’t make her feel bad while she’s doing whatever she thinks needs done.

Turning My Innocent Neighbor Into A Cumslut [M/F, Mind Control/Hypnosis Drugging, Sexual Enslavement] Book 1, Pt 1

Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic mind control fiction with elements of coerced sexual activity; all characters are 18+

**PART ONE, Book 1**

“Go away, Charlie.”

The way my next-door neighbor says my name is like a swearword and it stings. It never matters if I’m trying to help the ungrateful brat, or if I desperately need help myself (such as last Monday my car wouldn’t start, and Sydney couldn’t even be bothered to borrow her dad’s jumper cables, so I was thirty minutes late to work); she always treats me like shit, even though I’ve done nothing to deserve it.

I glare up at her from the bottom of her porch steps and mutter, “I just thought you’d like to know your dog is running off down the street.”

“What? No, he’s not!” She rushes past me to check the back gate, which I know she’ll find ajar, seeing as it was the second thing I noticed after witnessing her Golden Retriever book it down the road.

“Shit!” She runs down the gravel drive barefoot, and then begins screaming his name into the wind. “Baxter! Baxter?”