[Group][FM] 2 Glorious Nights in Bangkok

On my eighteenth birthday, my mom decided it would be fun for us to go backpacking around Thailand for a month. Our plan was to fly to Bangkok first, then backpack up the northwest side. The first 2 days in Bangkok, we spent adjusting to the time difference and eating as much as we could in the fancy hotel she booked for us. After that, we moved to a hostel just a 15 min walk from Silom Road (it transforms at night into a party hub).

The first day at the hostel, one of the workers there was kind enough to show us a few cool spots near us and we spent a good chunk of the day exploring the city. The second day was more or less the same thing, but when we got back to the hostel, a few people were planning on going to Silom Road as it was their last night in Thailand. My mom got really excited, saying she wanted to share my first “legal” drink. I’m not big on clubbing, but I relented so we all went on our merry way. It was a group of 5 of us: 3 women and 2 men. After about an hour of drinking, I really had to go to the washroom so I quickly told the group and left to find a restroom.