[MF] The best gift I ever gave and received was horrifying, made me feel dumb, and was chosen for me.

I, Mark(M) am married to a life long friend, friends with benefits, girl friend, fiancé, and confidant named Sarah(F). This story is based on fact and I have tried to keep it as close to exactly what happened as possible.

Our relationship has been complex at times. Friends in high school, to friends with benefits, and then to marriage. But one thing that convinced us we were destined to be together is that regardless of our lives path apart, we alway found our way back to each other again.

One night months before we married, we were 2 bottles of wine into an evening when the topic of our sexual escapades came up. Sarah and I both had plenty of partners over the years. We had been on and off over 20 years and we had told each other some things but we had kept it as vague and bland as possible.

The stories shared that night were detailed and descriptive; that’s what two bottles of wine can do. What came out that night surprised both of us. The stories were hot, kinky, and made these discussions something we did more often. Discussing our past sexual adventures is a sure way to make an average night at home turn into a night of hot sex.