Adventures of Hunter Douglas pt.01 (MF)

Rhythmic breathing, deep restful sleep.  It was my last morning to wake from a glorious nights sleep on my king size bed before I headed off on a 3 month excursion for work.  I was a pharmaceutical botanist, but I liked to think of myself more like an Indian Jones of plants. My role within my company was to plan excursions to deep areas of jungle where we could discover new species of plants and study their medicinal uses, ultimately cornering the market on our research and making hefty profit margins.  Half the year was spent in the lab working on cataloging, researching and developing medical uses from the specimens gathered from the prior excursion, 3 months out of the year I was gone, alone in the rainforests of the Amazon or in this case a trek deep into the uncharted Congo and I had 3 months of the year to myself thankfully. My medical research in the area of dementia and the aging of the human brain was a top priority this trip and I was seeking out a new plant to aid in the formulation of a pill that would regress the aging in human brain tissue.