Co-intern became [f]wb [FM]

Sophomore year of college I finally landed an internship at a company close to work. As a biology internship I mainly spent my time either in a lab analyzing data, or some days we would be in offices entering new data.

The company hired 2 interns from my school and 3 from the other near by smaller school. The intern from my school was a girl named Kelsea that I had seen around campus before but never spoke to. Eventually we got along putting aside the different sororities we were in. The other three were one girl named Emily and two guys, Richard and Hunter.

Richard had that classic frat boy look with wave styled hair cut and constantly talked about partying. Hunter was the more quiet kid of guy that easily had a foot on Richard and looked like he played basketball. He was around 6’5 with toned but not huge arms and a shy look to his face.

At first the three of us girls were attracted to Richard and competed for his attention. Hunter always tagged along in our conversations but always seemed more focused on the work. We had a texting group together so we could send each other jokes as well as make small talk during work to keep each other entertained.