[FM] Camping can be fun

So this happened this past weekend, and my head is still spinning from it. Some backstory first(skip to ———- if you wanna get to the good stuff):

So about a year ago, I met this amazing young redhead (22, 150lbs, 32CC). We’ve been going out around once a week, and life was good.

Sex was the best I’ve ever had. She has a lot more experience than I do, which was insane after having a girlfriend who refused to give me oral. We dated through the fall and winter, and ended up living with each other.

Come April, we began talking about going camping. Both of us loved going as kids, but with college, it was a bit more challenging to find people to go with. So we finally buckled down and bought a campsite for the weekend.

Upon arrival, we realized we were rather underprepared. The heat was blazing, and we had no good ways to cool down. After depleting our ice supply, we ended up bunkering in my car, with the A/C blaring, til the sun went down.