My odd sexual request [MF]

I’ve posted this over in r/Askreddit to a question about [odd sexual requests]( and I’ve gotten suggestions to post my story here. So I copied and pasted it directly here, I hope you enjoy.

I was the one requesting this. I stayed in a hotel in a city that I was only going to be there for one night. I decided to visit the local bar. There’s this cute girl alone at the bar, so I figured I’d give it a shot.

“Hey, what’s your name?” She gives me a kind of ‘who’s this guy look’, but she tells me “Ashley”.

“Well Ashley, I got no friends in this town, I’m just looking for someone to play a round of pool with. Would you like to join me?” Nope, she refuses. Disappointing, but what ever. I end up challenging one of the other fellows there, loser buys the other one a beer. While playing, I noticed Ashley is joined by two of her friends when they come in. I end up losing the game the next two games, so I’m buying beer for my new friend. The only open spot at the bar is next to Ashley, I give her a little wink when she notices me, but I turn to get the bar tenders attention. While I’m waiting, I happen to hear Ashley complain about her ex Michael, he was calling her or some stupid shit. Anyways, I continued playing pool, for awhile. A fourth friend joins Ashley. Maybe an hour or so later. I notice the 4th friend is now alone at the bar. I finish my current game of pool. I walk up to her, “Don’t tell me Ashley ditched you”, She looks at me surprised.