Fantastic Futa Adventures (1×2) (Futa)

Elizabeth Olsen/Jennifer Lawrence

jennifer breaks into the home of a smoking hot milf expecting an easy score, but things take a different turn after she’s caught.

jennifer crept up the main walkway of the house, pressing her eye against the peephole of the door. dark and empty. perfect. jennifer was a burglar. a good one too. she’d spent the past two days or so scoping out the house, and she hadn’t seen anyone leave or enter. she assumed whomever lived there was on vacation. jennifer had a black ski mask on, concealing her features in case she was caught, and all black, tight clothes. her hair was tied up in her mask so if someone potentially saw her they might mistake her for a man. she was good. after peeping through the door, she pulled a small hairpin out of her pocket and began to pick the door, for only a moment before a small click came from the door. she then gently turned the knob, and walked into the house. 

not sure how well this will be received here but i don’t have many other options. (NSFW, futa)

Fantastical Futa Adventures (1×1)

Scarlett Johansson/Zendaya

the clock sitting above the smart board ticked away, zendaya’s time to complete the test growing shorter and shorter. she frantically marked down answers, desperate to simply finish the test and not even caring about her grade anymore. the timer on the teacher’s desk went off and without missing a beat she announced, “pencils down!” zendaya had a sick feeling in her stomach. it seemed that ever since she’d turned 18 and became a senior her work only got so much more difficult.

A short while later, she’d finished grading the test and once Zendaya’s reached her desk she felt as if the feeling in her stomach would never subside. a 54%. her parents would kill her. she laid her head down in her arms on the desk, defeated. unbeknownst to zendaya, the teacher was eying her curiously from her desk at the front of the room.