[MF] Fingered my bosses wife in front of him, with him completely unaware.

I’m no writer and will do my best to keep grammatical errors in check. Usually just a reader, but shared this story recently and someone thought I should post it.

This happened back in 06, I was in my second year of culinary school. I was working a couple different jobs and one of them was for the schools catering department. If I remember correctly we went out for a end of semester celebration to a few bars. We started at one right downtown close to the facility. That’s where I met my bosses wife Mary for the first time. My boss was a fairly big fat guy at around 300-350, so was shocked to meet his tiny 100lb wife who was fairly attractive, not drop dead gorgeous, but very cute. There was no like instant connection, but definitely felt like I was getting a certain vibe from her, but thought nothing of it and just chalked it up to her being a flirty woman.

Sat at a booth with a few other people and we all chatted about life and other things, nothing too exciting. Someone suggests we move on to another bar, which ends being closer to my house on the other side a town. We push a few tables together so everyone can sit around and chat. There’s probably 10-12.