Suspended Fantasy

I’m just leaving work and my phone pings:
“You leaving work?”
How such a simple question can hit me like a bolt of electricity, I do no know. But fuck, I love when you show me how well you know my day, especially when I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming next…
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Come here.”

I hop into my car, hands a little shaky with excitement. I head over to your place eagerly looking forward to seeing you. “The door is unlocked” pings to my phone as I turn onto your street.

I quietly open the door, locking it behind me. I slide into your room, and you’re laid out on your bed, looking right at me. I freeze, caught between fear and arousal. You get up from the bed and head over to me, all confident and strong in your movement. You gently brush some hair back behind my ear before balling your hand up into a fist that’s full of my hair right at the nape of my neck.

Sweet and Filthy Dreams

Dreamt of you again last night. One of those dreams that feel so real it’s disorienting to wake up and discover none of it happened.

In it, we had spent the day together.. I’m not really sure what we had been doing, but we were exhausted and happy, dropping our clothes on the floor as we made direct paths to the bed. I snuggled into you, ecstatic to be curled up against you, too tired to do much else.

A Quick Fuck Outside

I’m at your local wrestling show, and you’re walking around shaking babies and kissing hands.. we make eye contact, and you smile that smile that makes my pussy melt. There are loads of people between us, so all we can do is wave. You wink, I blush, and I head to the bathroom.

I’m spaced out in the bathroom, day-dreaming about all the filthy promises in that wink of yours. As I head out of the bathroom, you snatch me by the hips as I pass by you, covering my mouth to muffle my squeak of surprise. Your hand has me pinned to your hip while your other goes down from my mouth to my throat, and I can feel your excitement pushing into me as I start to gasp for breath.

Not loosening your grip, you yank me outside. “I’ve got exactly five spare minutes and I plan to use you during every last one of them. If I hear you make a single noise, I’m going to stop and go back inside,” you snarl into my ear. My knees buckle beneath me and I feel heat and wetness flooding my panties. I nod mutely, making tight fists and biting into my lips, praying I’m able to hold it together.

En Masque

The kinksters in town are hosting a masked party, and although it’s really not something you want to do, it’s something I’ve been dying to go to. I’ve been doing so well with our lessons, and I’ve been such a patient and obedient little slave that you’ve decided to oblige and take me.

A Midnight Visit

I’ve given you the key to my apartment with an always open invitation to come over. Even if I’m not there. And you have. I’ve been getting some very sexy snaps of you visiting my apartment..

What you haven’t shown me, and what I somehow didn’t notice, are little adjustments you’ve been making. You’ve oiled up my door so it no longer squeaks. You’ve brought over some toys and left them in my nightstand.

Then one night, long after I’ve gone to sleep, you sneak into my apartment. You make your way to my bedroom and find me sound asleep. One leg is tucked under the blankets, the other leg thrown over the blankets, and my nightgown has bunched up over over my hip, leaving my full thigh exposed. You bite your tongue on a growl because you really don’t want to wake me.. not just yet.. but the sight of my smooth, strong thigh sprawled out in the sliver of moonlight that comes through my window fills you with an intense possessive desire. Your thigh. Your baby girl. Your dirty little whore. All sweet and unsuspecting. A growl once again threatens to escape, but you shake it off.