[f] Went for a run from one FWB to another and back again

Hi hi :). I’ve mainly stayed good during quarantine isolating myself to a core group of friends and really only one guy. I finally broke this streak last weekend, topped off by the fact that I basically dipped out from one d appointment to go to another :).

After an overnight stay at Beaus house (which was fun, but not noteworthy) I woke up the next morning intent on jogging and coffee. Beau was still asleep, but he knows my morning routine, so I didn’t wake him up.

I posted to my ig story and pretty much right away get a reply from an old FWB asking if I was in a particular neighborhood. Long story short he’d moved less than 5 blocks away. A rush of excitement filled me (maybe I was just jumping at the chance to interact with another person lol) and I told him I’d swing by on my run.

I made it to the intersection to find J on his phone. He’s a cute white guy, a few inches taller than me, with curly hair that looked a bit shaggy cuz COVID. Honestly it was cute in a puppydog way. We made flirty small talk about our COVID coping strategy and he offered to show me his place. I made a lame joke asking if he’d gotten rid of his old bed, and into the bedroom we go.