[M/S] Umm well I had sex with my mom, hear me out


Hear me out here guys,

Me and my mother were in New York staying in a hotel. Basically my mom had to go on a personal matter to New York and I voted myself on the trip lol. And well we went there and were staying in a regular hotel at New York and my mom was attending said personal matter.

Now my mom is attractive. Not like super attractive but I’d give her a solid 8/10. So not bad whatsoever. And the hotel we were staying in accidentally booked us in a 1 bed room. Which wasn’t exactly ideal since my mom is like 5’7.5 and I am 5’11. So a queen size bed isn’t exactly ideal. Especially when I wear minimal clothing when sleeping (not nude but….) (I started it a couple years ago and well yea it is very comfortable).

And over the days sexual tension in the room was growing. Like I could honestly feel it. And my horny ass kept getting kept closer to her like hugs and shit and even a small kiss on the cheek. 3rd night (mom told me) she woke up with me half over her. Like leg up and my penis was allegedly hard touching against her. Now I want to make something clear I was sleeping it wasn’t exactly intentional though still damn ?.