One night stand I’ll never forget [FM]

Being stuck in quarantine has made me reminisce of some amazing sexual adventures. Here’s another one!

I was 25 and overworked. Some of my girlfriends wanted to plan a girls’ night out. We finally were able to match our schedules and set a date. We decided to treat ourselves to dinner and then head to a club. I wore a maroon colored dress which looked a lot like [this.]( And beige open-toed heels. I felt sexy and it was well needed. When we arrived at the club, there was already some good music playing. Wasn’t too crowded either. We were set! Grabbed some drinks and chatted for a bit. Then made our way to the dance floor. I danced and felt ecstatic. The exhaustion from all the stress of adulting on my own was gone. My friends and I stayed together and warded off any men that came bothering. We weren’t having any of it. We were there to dance.

Brief adventure with my roommate [FM]

I was 24 and he was 25. Both of us working on our careers. We had met during classes and became good friends. We figured we’d make good roommates because we thought a lot alike. There was no sexual interest in the beginning, at least on my end. Sure he was cute, in a nerdy kinda way. We had a clown and roast each other kind of friendship. It was fun. About 5 months of living together, I noticed he’d joke around sexually on occasion. Making comments on how my ass looked in a pair of shorts or how I definitely shouldn’t wear that outfit around my family. It was lightheaded and I thought nothing of it.

The time I took care of my married boss [FM]

Some backstory. This happened roughly 10 years ago. I was working as a secretary at a small law firm. Held the position for 8 months while I finished getting my degree. The lawyer I worked for, Daniel, was very kind to staff. Whereas his partner was a total asshole. I’d occasionally bump into Daniel in the break room and we’d make small chat. I admired that he remembered things we previously talked about and would ask me how school was going and what my plans were for after college. Eventually we’d joke and tease one another. Whether it was sports trash talking or who’s lunch was better.

Occasionally I’d see his wife. She was cute, but seemed a bit of a prude. Never greeted anyone whenever she’d enter the office. I knew they were having marital problems from the conversations with Daniel. One day she came in with their young daughter and stormed into his office. She ignored me when I told he was on a conference call. She was on a mission. Started yelling at him as soon as the door opened. Something about how he told her mother that he wasn’t going to be able to make it up to the in-laws’ place on the weekend because he needed to work with a client. Apparently this upset his wife because she didn’t want to go to her parents and deal with them alone. She yelled and cursed at him. I was surprise he remained calm. Then she stormed right out. The office was dead silent. Everyone heard it. Then I got up and went to check on him. He had just wiped tears in his eyes and said he was okay.