I was a slutty wife for a man who got me dick high [FM]

This happened about 4 years ago. My husband and I were about a year into a sexually non-monogamous marriage. I had met this guy named Anthony. He had a lumberjack look to him. We got along well when we chatted, so we decided to meet up after a few weeks. We went out for dinner and had a hotel reservation for the night. We got along even better in person. He was very charismatic and had me smiling and laughing all during dinner. We both really enjoyed ourselves. I wore a blood red dress with black stockings and heels. After dinner, we met up at the hotel. We got our key and went into our room. It was nice and had a pretty cool view of the city. We opened a bottle of wine and continued chatting. We were sitting on the couch. After a bit, he started scooting closer toward me. Then he placed his hand right under my dress and left it resting on my thigh.

“You look gorgeous in red.” He said.

My competitive nature sparked an incredibly hot threesome [FMF]

This is kind of a continuation from this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gfd1v2/helping_a_friend_move_on_from_her_ex_and_get_back/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Vanessa became our roommate for about 3 months. She had a difficult time finding an apartment. Ryan and I didn’t mind. She was good company and contributed to our place. We all got along really well. It wasn’t some sexfest though. We’d flirt and occasionally walk in on one another naked, but that was the most of it, with the exception of my previous story and this particular night.

All three of us had a rough week. We were texting on how to celebrate getting through our week. We were too tired to go out and do anything, so we decided to stay in. Ryan suggested we play trivia and incorporate alcohol. Vanessa and I didn’t really have anything better in mind, so we agreed. When I got home from work, Vanessa was just coming out of the shower. Ryan had texted me he was on his way home from picking up booze. Our night of celebration was about to begin. We started with movie trivia. The rule was you have to drink if you say an incorrect answer. Vanessa and I were pretty bad at it. We had a good idea for answers, but just couldn’t fully get them correct. Ryan on the other hand was doing pretty well. So he wasn’t drinking as much as us two.

Helping a friend move on from her ex and get back at him a little [FF] [FM]

I was 27 and had been dating my now husband, Ryan, for a little over a year. We clicked so well, our relationship really blossomed quickly. One night, I got a call from my friend Vanessa. I couldn’t understand anything she was saying. All I heard was crying. I told her to just come over and we’ll try and work out whatever was wrong. When she arrived, her face was a mess. She’d been crying for awhile. We sat on the couch and I asked her what happened. She told me that her boyfriend had broken up with her, despite proposing to her just a few months ago. His reason was that he found someone else and was sure *she* was the one. Their apartment was also under his name. So he had requested that she move out soon. She was devastated. She lost her fiance and is about to have nowhere to stay. I felt bad for her, so I suggested she stay with us. Ryan had an office room that he didn’t use too often. I initially wanted to talk to him about it and get his input before making a decision like this, but I wanted to really help a friend. Vanessa smiled and after thinking about it for a bit, she agreed to move in for a few days. She got herself cleaned up and opted to go back to her place to start packing for a few days worth of clothes. After she left, I went into the bedroom and spoke to Ryan about what happened. I confessed that I invited Vanessa to stay with us for a few days and he was supportive of the idea. I was relieved. Part of me worried he’d be upset that I made a decision without talking with him first.

Betraying a friend who had been great to me [FM]

When I was 19, I became close friends with my roommate, Karla. It was refreshing because I moved out of state for college. For my first year of college, I didn’t socialize much and my routine was going to class and then to my dorm after. Didn’t really hang out or make any real friends.I was intimidated being in a new area and missing home. She grew up not far from this area, so she was more familiar with it. Though we made good roommates and became good friends, we didn’t have much in common when it came to interests. I really enjoyed dancing, and she *hated* it. But my friendship with her gave me the confidence to put myself out there and make friends. Karla and I would occasionally hang out when we both agreed on something fun to do together. She had a boyfriend and she’d talk about him from time to time. I never saw him, she never invited him to our dorm room. I think it was out of respect toward me.

Bartender who relieved my sexual tension and left my pussy sore [FM]

Happened a few years ago. I had a long day at work. It was actually a bad week overall. Plus my husband was also flying around for work. I hadn’t been touched or had any intimacy in awhile. I stopped by a bar after work. Went in and took a seat at the booth. I ordered a cocktail. Browsed through my phone. Read emails, looked at photos, caught up on social media, etc. It was a small bar, luckily not crowded. The bartender came over to me and asked if there was anything else I needed or if I was hungry. Which took me by surprise because to my knowledge, this bar didn’t serve food. He must’ve seen my puzzled look because he explained that he’s friends with a nearby owner of a pizza parlor and it’s actually good. He said they deliver a few boxes of pizzas when he calls. I didn’t have anywhere to be and I was feeling a bit hungry, so I said yes.

That time I was a naughty wife [FM]

This happened roughly three years ago. My husband and I had been exploring a sexually open marriage/swinging. It’s been an enjoyable lifestyle for the both of us. I had met this guy, Chris, who was also married and in the lifestyle. Him and I had good chemistry. We decided to set a meetup at a hotel lobby bar and have a room available for us if things got heated. I wore a red dress(his request). Nothing particularly out of the ordinary, and black heels. I met him at the hotel around evening. He looked good. He was in a dark navy suit with a black dress shirt underneath. Very gentleman-like. I liked that he had a bit of stubble, but still groomed. And such beautiful green eyes. He smiled when he saw me approach. We sat at the bar. It wasn’t very crowded, so it made for a good atmosphere to have conversation. We ordered drinks and got to chatting. The bartender was attentive and I noticed him check me out and smile occasionally. Eventually he made a comment to Chris that “his wife was very attractive”. Chris and I both looked at each other and went along with it as we both chuckled.

Intimate date night and filled up with cum [FM]

This is the third part of this story. You can read parts [ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/g2rlkj/first_time_i_received_a_creampie_fm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) and [TWO](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/g74srf/my_night_of_unprotected_sex_and_creampie_fm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) if you want to follow the events.

He looked so cute sleeping peacefully. I nuzzled my face into his chest. It slowly woke him up and his arm wrapped around me and pulled my body closer to his.

“Good morning.” He said groggily.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. Leaned in for a quick peck on the lips. The sun was shining through the window and onto his chest. I kissed along his cheek, down his neck and shoulders, and tracing his pec muscle.

“Your kisses are amazing.”

I continued to kiss down the middle of his abdomen and stopped right below his navel. I looked down and saw his bulge through his briefs get bigger. I brushed my hand over it and rested it on his inner thigh. That woke him up a bit more.

“Can I say good morning to your dick too?” I said while trying to be cute.

First time I received a creampie (Part 2) [FM]

You can read the first part [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/g2rlkj/first_time_i_received_a_creampie_fm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x).

I went to the restroom first to clean up some. Then grabbed a towel for the both of us. Ryan let me shower first. I gotta say, taking a shower after amazing sex is such an amazing feeling. I don’t know how to exactly describe it. It’s refreshing. Anyway, after a few minutes I decided to invite Ryan in.

“Are you almost done or…”

“I was thinking you could join me?” I asked a bit nervously.

“Oh I’d love to!”

He stepped into the shower and we swapped spots. He reached to hold my hand for a moment. It was cute. We’d barely known each other and he was already coming off really sweet.

“Let’s wash each other.” He said as he squeezed soap onto the loofah.

First time I received a creampie [FM]

Ever since I became sexually active, I always made sure a condom was used. I didn’t want kids, so a pregnancy was NOT something I wanted to deal with. I also didn’t like how birth control pills affected me (Wasn’t all that well informed about IUDs).

When I was 26, some friends had invited me to a dinner get together. I wore a black, thin shoulder strapped dress. Went down to right above my knees, form fitted. And gray heels to go with it. Did my makeup and felt pretty. The house was near the beach, so there was a nice breeze. There were about 25 people attending. Turned to be a celebration of a couple getting engaged. I only knew three people, so I felt a little intimidated at first. Enjoyed a nice pot roast and mashed potatoes. Drank some wine and started feeling more comfortable and extroverted. Started up a few conversations with new people. It was turning out to be a fun night. Then I started a conversation about sports with this guy named Ryan. He was a big football fan and I was a basketball fan. I scare some of my girl friends whenever I bring up sports because they don’t really follow it like I do. Anyway, we shared our favorite teams and brought up some players we were fans of. The chemistry was there and I wanted to continue talking to him. Ryan then shifted the conversation to food. He was apparently a big fan of cooking. I was impressed, he sounded like he really knew what he was doing and even a better cook than me, lol. He had such a kind smile. Not the kind that was arrogant. I remember his plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing his nice forearms.

Just a night of feeling horny and getting fucked [FM]

I was 24 when this happened. I was briefly seeing a guy, Mark. He was cute, funny, and had a strong sexual drive. I guess it was more of a FWB situation. He was good company though. One Friday night, I was at his place for a small kickback. Played some board games, ate junk food, and knocked back a few beers. It was a fun night. And we’d occasionally glance at each other with lustful eyes (It had been a few weeks since I had sex). Throughout the night, we both were counting down the minutes until his guests left. One by one, they’d head out and I was getting more and more aroused. Finally, the last couple called it a night and we walked them to the door to say our good-byes.

As soon as Mark closed the door, he pushed me up against it. Grabbing my body and kissing me hard and deep. It felt so damn good. I was wearing a white sundress with red roses pattern. His hands slid under the dress and he teased my clit by tracing his finger around it. He could feel me yearning for his touch. I quivered, which made him smile.