Angel Eyes [m] [f] [Str8] [swing]

He enters a tavern, pup, bar, whatever the fuck it is, he just needs a drink. He’s used to flying solo, but feels almost naked without his wing man, even if it’s just to shoot the breeze. It’s almost a tradition at this point. Business has sent them to opposite sides of the country simultaneously. Fine, they’ll be time for celebration later. Right now, he needed a drink before the long haul to his next destination.

It’s dark, musty. What a bar should be. There’s smoke in the air; thank God there’s no smoking laws here like they have in California or New York. Pussies. Standing at the bar, he orders his man drink; 151 with coke; the haul is gonna be that long; and lights a cig of his own. Sitting on an empty stool waiting for his liq, his head randomly finds its way facing towards the corner as being guided by some unknown force. That’s when he notices her.

Stranded [F] [M] [BBW] [bd] [BDSM] [nc]

*Look what I found! An original draft that eventually turned into Dominated part 1…*
*Please lemme know if this version should be explored more…*
~ Jack

A dense fog surrounded her. She slowly awoke from a dim haze, not sure of anything, of where she’s been, even of who she is and especially of where she was. One at a time, she makes note of her sensations. The very first that she feels is an overwhelming sense of being tired. Her muscles ache and she knows not why. She feels a throbbing. Her throat feels hoarse as if she’s been using it for a very long time. She has an overwhelming sense of cottonmouth, her tongue dry like fabric. Breathing is difficult. It’s dark where ever she was. She was seeing no light at all. She feels a strong throbbing. She tries to move in an attempt to become more comfortable. She cannot and winces in pain. She feels an intense throbbing. She then begins to hear a far-off humming, rhythmic, electronic. Not the hum of a TV, but of an AC. Off in the distance coming closer as she regains consciousness. Along with it was a familiar scent tickling her nose. Then it hits her. She ‘had’ lost consciousness. That’s what it must be since it feels more like it than falling to sleep. Searching her shallow memory, she does not remember falling asleep. She still doesn’t remember much of anything, except… She feels an unimaginable throbbing.

Totally Dominated [MFM] [Str8] [BBW] [bd] [BDSM] [swing]

They simply stood before her. Each erect. Each larger than the last. Veins pulsing, pounding & eager. She lays there, unable to move. Too exhausted from the hours of constant sexual punishment her limp body was bombarded with just seconds ago. She gives in. She puddles. She exhales. Her slightly lifted head collapses to the pillow beneath. Her heavy fingers form a tight grip around drenched blankets, bracing herself. Taking a deep breath, she exhales again.

“Take me…”

One by one, they climb the bed; the men that has tormented her soiled body so thoroughly thus far. Surrounded by cock, she winces. Hearing the clattering remaining fragments of the heartless sybian that ravaged her so being brushed aside & discarded onto the floor nearby. Eyes wide shut. Trying to determine which sensation she’d experience first. Her muff being eaten, her breasts being taken? She can feel their eyes devour her battered nude form. What they decide surprises her. They suck on her toes.

Still Dominated [M] [F] [Str8] [bd] [BDSM] [swing]

Both her friend and the Dom look at each other with puzzled looks. The friend places his paddle down and motions for the door as before just cracking it open just barely. The sybian still mercilessly massages itself deep into her being. She takes this time to gasp for breath. Her massive rump throbs red, the roaring sybian massaging her throbs away. There was a long pause at the door with a lot of mumbling and whispers coming from that direction. Finally, after time stood still for what seemed like forever, the friend appears from the door with another in tow.

“This is our neighbor…”

There’s a slight pause.

“…and he’ll be joining us for the rest of the evening.” he answers with a menacing grin.

There stood this new stranger. Average height and build, nothing special, except that hungry look in his eyes.

“Apparently, we disturbed his rest and it was only appropriate to repay him.”

Walking over to the bed, the friend hands the neighbor the magic wand and takes the paddle back in his.

“Now we have three…”

Dominated [M] [F] [Str8] [BBW] [bd] [BDSM]

Hot water bathes her. Rising steam caresses her plump body. She tries to wash her nerves away with a soothing shower expecting what’s to come. Anticipations rise. She just can’t wait. She drops the soap, but ignores it. There’s enough lather on her to finish the job. She’s anxious. After chatting with a new ‘friend’ she met online, she would soon meet him in person for the first time. Thinking back to their conversations written in bold black & white, her womanhood waters. She can’t believe she’s just about to meet a man that moves her so. She fights the urge to touch herself and start early. What could she expect? From what she could remember in mere emails… a lot.

There’s a knock at the door. She shutters. The shower quickly goes off. The drip of water echoes in her ear before her thumping heartbeat is noticed. There’s a thud again, not from her pounding heart, but from the door.

“Just a second…” she manages out.

Neglected Flame [M] [F] [RolePlay]

*…something a little different…*

The constant shimmer of shower water stops. The bath door slides open; the deep patter of wet foot falls on the bathroom mat. Then… silence. The door swings open illuminating a small corner of a much larger; darker room. The silent hiss of steam meeting the outside chilled air. A shadow is present on the adjacent wall; then the figure itself, stepping into view. Tall, wrapped in a wet towel, still dripping, emerging from the invisible fog. He wipes his head semi-dry; water splashing from his shoulder-length dark red hair. Both illuminated by the single, solitary light originating from the bathroom. He turns to an even darker corner of the room as if responding to a presence there. The sound of shifting bed sheets is heard; a strong whiff of perspiration hitting the air. A body silhouetted in shiny sweat laid on a bed outstretched as if beckoning. A smile comes across his face as he tosses his towel aside; his bareness reflecting off the full-length mirror that hangs behind. A woman is heard taking a deep breath of anticipation from the darkness as the male thrusts himself into that direction. The sudden jolts of bed springs fill the room. The sounds of bed sheets playfully flung too and fro is heard as constant rocking ensues soon after. Time passes. Positions change. More time passes. A sigh of disappointment. Silence.

Dejavu [M] [F] [Str8]

You bask in your shower, naked. Letting the water wash your troubles away. The pounding water beating on your soft white skin. Lathering yourself well, anticipating of what’s to cum, thinking of memories past. You hear a commotion just outside, things being set & shuffled, but you pay no attention. You feel the door open, a breeze catches underneath the shower curtain giving you a slight shudder. A shadow hovers over the curtain. It’s me. Bare naked.

I slide in, watching the water beat your body, the steam rises. I grab you by the waist, lust consuming me. Kissing you deeply, my tongue travels down your throat. My hands wander. Groping breasts, grabbing twat. You automatically lift one leg to provide me a better angle. My hand hungrily rushes in. Twisting & gyrating my hand into you, my head drops to meet your clit. The water from the shower cascading off the both of us. Steam rising.

Rendezvous [M] [F] [Str8]

Rain pouring outside chases us into the doorway of a motel right by the road. The lights inside are dimly lit, but warm nonetheless. I look over to you kicking off your shoes revealing soft white cotton socks underneath and plop tiredly onto the edge of the bed as I shut the door behind us. I remove my shirt and walk over to the AC and turn it on. You complain that you’re chilled to the bone, but I assure you that you wouldn’t be for long. With the lights around the room already dim, I walk over to you at the edge of the bed. You motion to remove your wet shirt, but I stop you by placing my hand over yours.

Slowly wrapping my arms around your waist, I lean in and gaze into your eyes. My lips move dangerously close to yours, I can practically taste your sweet breath. Motioning my hands beneath your shirt, my warm fingers find your chilled soft waist. My face slowly slides down your face and to where your neck meets your shoulders, right where you feel my hot breath. My fingers gently lift your shirt up your soft body as my hands feels up your every curve. Your breathing quickens. My hands pause by your bra, knowing what beasts they hold behind a thin layer of cloth. Your heartbeat quickens. Sliding your shirt over your head, I pause just when your vision was about to be clear, being covered by your shirt.

Obsession [F] [Bi] [swing] [mast]

She just laid there, too drained and exhausted to move. Reeking of sex. Breath with the sent of genitalia. Dried semen stuck to her hair from the night before. Her own juices resting along her heaving breasts with piercing nipples and dripping down her own thick lips. Some not even her’s, but of other women; not sure of how they got there. Thinking back to her night, the dark caressing her sweat-lubricated body. Wishing to relive all of it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Humping and heaving with some guy; her boyfriend of course but with her sexual energy added to the darkness of that room, she would think that if he was someone else, she would not give a damn. “It felt good”, she thought, trying to catch her breath. “I’ll never do that much again.” Feeling the throbbing between her legs; her juices oozing out, staining the carpet floor with her blood and cum and the semen of five men. Maybe six.