[MF] Husband takes his naughty wife

On her drive home she softens the music on the radio to allow her thoughts to flow freely without distraction. She asks herself “what just happened?” knowing by the feel of her body the answers to that question. Her mind snapping flashbacks with every beat of her heart – the satisfied look on his face before leaving. The lower half of her dress resting against her soft thighs as she drives She gently reaches down and eases her dress a little higher to touch the swollen folds of her tingling pussy, thinking of how it felt to have his wanting fingers penetrate her. To feel his hot breaths hovering over her most intimate treasure. Feelings of guilt, lust, and power intertwined with one another, all she can think and feel at the moment is how good it was to get off like that with him. Now in somewhat of a numbing trance like state of mind she pulls into the driveway of her home. It is late and knows that her husband is in bed patiently waiting for her return. She tries to calm herself by taking deep breaths and pushing aside the cascading feelings of guilt rushing her at that moment. She opens the door slowly as to not make her appearance to alarming. The house is quiet and as she enters the bedroom gently tossing her heels into the corner, she is relieved that he is resting soundly. Before slipping into the bathroom she lifts her dress to ease out of the sultry panties she had worn that evening. They were still warm and moist, reminding her of his satisfaction and his dire need to indulge in her soaking wet pussy. She tingled again with thoughts of knowing there was another man in her bed now wanting her badly as well. As she quietly closed the bathroom door behind her she thought about how pretty she had felt that night all dolled up. She thought about being wanted and feeling that overwhelming rush and excitement in satisfying her own dark desires.