The slutification of a good housewife [FM] [MILF] [CUCKOLD] parts 3 and 4

part 3

I lied there in bed waiting for my hubby to enter the bedroom. He was doing his usual routine of locking the doors and letting the dog out before bed. The anniversary had gone predictably well, aside from the young guy who caught my eye and the secret admirer text.

The text message, I stared at my phone wondering who could have sent it? “Oh I’m sorry I forgot tonight was your anniversary…”. How did this guy know tonight was my anniversary? Clearly it was somebody who knew me. I scrolled up a bit more “ready to try out this young cock yet?”. Young cock, hmm who do I know that is “younger” than I? I was trying to think of everyone I knew who could possibly be younger than I and sexting me in this way. But nobody came to mind.

The mystery had my mind so occupied that it took me a few minutes to realize what I was doing. My left hand holding my phone reading these texts from earlier tonight and a week ago from this supposed “younger cock”. I kept repeating younger cock to myself over and over in my head and that’s when I finally realized what my other hand was doing.

The slutification of a good housewife. [FM] [MILF] [CUCKOLD] Parts 1 and 2

Names have been changed for discretion.

Part 1

It all began about 2 years ago. I was 35 at the time; 10 years into marriage with my husband of the same age. We had a fairly healthy relationship minus the same arguments on a semi regular basis.

I found myself often irritated with his lack of help in household chores, and his constant spending habits. For him the complaint was always the same; sex, or a lack there of. To be fair I did turn down sexual advances from him more often than a wife should. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in him or that he didn’t satisfy me, I just found myself so mentally and physically drained that sex was not a priority to me like it was for him.

It had gotten to the point where I felt like all he wanted me for was sex, and I was never going to be able to satisfy his desire for pussy. Then something happened that was a complete paradigm shift for me. I began getting strange random text messages and although I ignored them quite often at first eventually they got me to enjoy the very thing that I resented my husband for making me feel; that feeling that somebody out there wanted me for nothing more than my wet pussy.