The Erotica Challenge

Friends, colleagues and most importantly, lovers of sexy things,
 I ask for your most brilliant minds and wet quills to aid me in crafting the most steamy erotica there ever was and ever will be.

Now sure in 2021 we are all over-saturated with the porn hubs and millions of other visual media out there available with the mere click of a button, but I for one still love the written art and the ability to paint a picture of a naked woman… rather than just googling one.
 So my ask is simple: if you consider yourself something of a writer, a lover of erotic tales filled with richly detailed worlds and characters… or fuck, you just have an eloquent vocabulary, I ask that you send me a descriptive orange letter.
 Regale me by describing the most erotic setting you can think of: whether it be a lavish steam spa or a
secluded beach after dark, bring this single setting to life for me, paint such a vivid picture that I swear I could see it in my dreams, and let’s make magic.
I want only the gifted among you, so I can truly find the writer I’ve been searching for…. the one to turn fantasy into gorgeous reality. I know you’ve got it in you, now give it to me. ;)
-Your muse

Erotica so hot I swallow my panties

So Australia is once again in lock-down (not gonna get political don’t worry) and just when I had a
few matches lined up on Tinder, the place shuts down again. Just my freaking luck.

So with an empty phone and a drawer full of freshly folded underwear…What’s a girl to do you might ask? Make up a new reddit & prowl the dirty pages looking for erotic writers that turn me on so bad that I stuff multiple pairs of panties in my mouth, of course! What a silly question, you. 

But are there any left? I’m talking about the eloquent, educated knights on horseback whose pens are mightier than their ‘long swords’. Any lovers of the late-night film that used to keep us up past our bedtime with realistic plots and devious but authentic characters? Vividly
descriptive backgrounds and lived-in worlds? 

If you think you fit that bill and in return wanna count the amount of lace fabric I swallow thanks to your swooning vocabulary, please hit me up with a boastful account of just how gifted you are… my fingers are caressing the drawer as we speak.
