Jennifer’s Hypnosis 5

This is a continuation of the Jennifer’s Hypnosis series.

Tony and Jennifer sat in the living room. Jen still clutching the knife as Tony explained everything he knew. He had been investigating the hypnosis therapy practice for over a year and strongly suspected Dr. Smith was behind serious and ongoing sexual crimes. However, charging someone with such crimes without a single witness able to verify the accusations was proving difficult.

“Do you remember anything about your therapy sessions? Anything at all?” He asked her.

Jen thought, but so far she hadn’t remembered anything between arriving at the office and leaving. “No, but this is crazy. Dr. Smith is a nice guy and said it was normal to not remember the sessions.”

Tony leaned forward. “How do you think I found you, came here?”

Jen was silent.

Tony continued “A few nights ago you met me in a bar, you came on strong and I was drunk, you blew me in the bathroom” Jen was shaking her head. “Jen, before you left I wrote down you license plate, an old habit from a career in policing. After the video leaked I asked a buddy to look up the plate and it came back to you.”

Jennifer’s Hypnosis 4

This is a continuation of the Jennifer’s Hypnosis series.

Jennifer pulled into the therapist office parking lot, locked her car, and walked inside. She expected to see the always cheery Stephanie but instead the front desk was empty and Dr. Smith was sitting on a couch in the corner of the room on an iPad. He looked up when he heard the door close.

“Jennifer, so good to see you. Right on time. I’ll take you back” Dr. Smith said.

“Great!” Jennifer said as they made small talk about their week. This time Dr. Smith walked Jen passed the usual room and to a different door. He opened it and ushered her in. This room was larger, with wood cabinets lining the walls. A desk in the corner that Dr. Smith was walking towards. The room also contained a bed, a couch, and and 4 chairs along the back wall. Two chairs had older gentleman sitting in them, they whispered to each other as she walked in the room. In the third chair was Stephanie, sitting up straight and motionless, she made no attempt to say hello or even look at Jen. The forth chair was empty. Jen stopped a few feet in the room, sensing immediately something was very wrong.

Jennifer’s Hypnosis 3

This is continuation of the Jennifer’s Hypnoses storyline.

It was Thursday, Jennifer had gotten out of work and was looking in her fridge trying to figure out what to make for dinner. The fridge was nearly empty accept for some left over take out. “I need a life” she thought. Previously this would be a moment that drive her to smoking but tonight, the desire was easy to brush aside. It made her happy, the therapy had been working and the next appointment was just a few days away. Her inner dialog was interrupted by a phone call, the therapist office.

“Hello?” Jen answered.

“Ohh hi Jen! This is Stephanie from Dr. Smith’s office. The doctor would like a quick word with you if it’s a good time.”

“Ohh, sure” Jen responded.

“Ohh great! Let me transfer you!” Is there ever a time she isn’t happy Jen thought. The phone clicked. “Jennifer, it’s Dr. Smith, sorry to bother you.”

“It’s no worries, what’s up?” Jen asked

“We’ll something came up and I could really use your help.” In the background Jen could hear familiar instrumental music begin to play. A feeling of relaxation came over her and her body felt weightless. She sat at her kitchen table as Dr. Smith spoke. His voice was so soothing, she nearly fell asleep.

Jennifer’s Hypnosis 2

This is a continuation of the Jennifer’s Hypnosis storyline.

Jen had felt good all week. She noticed her cigarette cravings were down, although she still struggled occasionally. She looked forward to her next session with Dr. Smith that evening.

Like last time, Stephanie greeted her in the reception area. She was as cheerful as last time and walked Jen down the hall to the same room as before. Jen entered to find Dr. Smith with another client sitting on the couch, a slender but tall guy dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

“Ohh I’m sorry, Stephanie brought me over here, I thought you were ready for me” Jen embarrassingly said. She turned to leave when Dr. Smith turned to her and spoke.

“No no Jennifer. You may come in! Please have a seat on the couch next to Kyle.” Dr. Smith was pointing to the white couch across from his desk where he was seated. Jen walked over.

“Hi I’m Jen” she said to the Kyle. He turned and slowly shifted his eyes up to her but didn’t say a word.

“Kyle is currently under hypnosis” Dr. Smith explained. “He doesn’t mean to be rude, but he’s in a deeply relaxing state at the moment.”

Jennifer’s Hypnosis (free use) (oral play)

Jen had been trying to kick my smoking addiction for years. Tried the gum and the patches. She had stints where she didn’t touch a cigarette but always fell back to it. She knew the risks and was desperate to stop. She figured she’d try something a bit outside the box, hypnotherapy. A friend had told her about it, you see a hypnotist, they put you in a trance or something, and you wake up not wanting to touch another cigarette. She checked online and Dr. Oliver Smith had high ratings, so she called his office and made an appointment.

As Jen walked in the office she saw the receptionist behind a desk, a beautiful young woman with long brown hair and light eyes behind the counter fixing her makeup. She looked up and quickly stopped what she was doing to greet her.

“Welcome! I’m Stephanie, how may I help you today?”

“I have an appoint with Dr. Smith.” Jen replied.

“Awesome! Let me check you in. I see it’s your first visit with us, you can expect this to take about 2 hours today because he likes to talk and get to know you. If you come back for future visits it’s usually shorter.”

The Other Couple Part 3

This is a continuation of The Other Couple series. Click on my user name to read the others and enjoy!

I hardly slept. Last night was a nightmare, and the real horror is my wife thought it was a dream. I decided enough was enough, we had our fun but it was time to separate from Brad and Amanda. Tracy and I went to brunch, this time alone, and by lunch there was still no sign of Brad and Amanda. Tracy hadn’t even brought them up, maybe we were done with them or maybe they were down with us.

Back in our room I decided to bring up my feelings to Tracy, who had been acting weird all day. Tracy as it turns out had been texting Brad all morning. Brad and Amanda had been at the spa all morning, but Tracy invited them to join us for dinner. “Fine” I thought, but after dinner we do our own thing. “We’ll see” Tracy said. I wasn’t cool with her texting Brad, when did they ever exchange numbers? I was looking forward to ending this vacation and going home. The resort felt more like a prison.

The Other Couple Part 2 (big cock)(wife swap) (cuckold)

This is a continuation of The Other Couple story previously posted.

I woke up the next morning to find Tracy already up and on the balcony. I didn’t hear her get up but I went outside and asked if she wanted to go to breakfast. I was still a bit u easy about what happened last night, seeing her mouth filled with a cock much bigger then my own. I was t sure what she thought about everything other then drunkenly saying she wanted to hang out with them again before I passed out.

While standing in line to get seated for breakfast I heard a familiar voice in the hallway. It was Brad and Amanda. I was hoping to avoid them this morning but before I could suggest a different restaurant my wife called out, “good morning! You two seem to be doing fine after a very late night”. Tracy invited them to sit with us and our conversation was strangely normal considering Amanda had just swallowed my cum a few hours ago and Brad had face fucked my wife with the biggest cock she’s ever seen. The ladies both got up to get coffee and left Brad and I at the table. “Last night was something else right?” Brad said. “Yeah” we had fun I replied. Brad continued “Amanda’s really something right, that girl just can’t ever get enough. I have a confession, she’s not my wife, she’s a girlfriend of mine. We see each other a few times a year and when we do she basically wants to fuck 24/7.”

The Other Couple (group)(cuckold)(big cock)

I’m going to skip over all the boring details on how we came to meet Brad and Amanda. My wife, Tracy, and I had been married for 10 years and finally get to go on a real vacation since having kids. Just the two of us. We went to an upscale resort in Mexico and met Brad and Amanda there one afternoon by the pool. They were a fun couple, about our age, and also married for about 10 years. Brad was the kind of guy who has no filter when he talks, he’s tall, in shape, loud, and always had a drink in his hand. His wife Amanda is nice, also in good shape and has huge tits. Honestly, I catch myself staring at them all the time. I was a bit nervous she would notice, but I was helpless to stop. Tracy is a yoga instructor, beautiful, tall, and slim. She’s got great legs and a perfect ass but probably felt a bit intimidated by the way Amanda can fill out a bikini.