[MF] 40s Shy Wife Surprise Threesome

True Story

My wife and I have vastly different experiences in our past when it comes to sex. She grew up in a pretty sheltered household where sex wasn’t discussed. She had been with a handful of guys but nothing crazy, always pretty vanilla. I on the other hand have had a lot of different partners in the past, crazy experiences, swinging, threesomes, you name it and I’ve probably done it or thought about it. When we got together we really didn’t talk about our past experiences, she wasn’t interested in mine and I didn’t feel comfortable asking too much about hers.

Fast forward 3 years after we married, things were very different. I had to tell her that I had been a swinger in the past as she was acquaintances with someone who I knew from the lifestyle. I would rather have her find out from me rather than someone else. This opened the door to discussing our desires, fantasies and things we would like to try. My wife had a few things that she wanted to try like soft bondage, sensory play and a few other things. All were pretty tame, but she made it clear that she didn’t feel comfortable doing certain things. She did try some other things with me that I hadn’t tried before such as pegging (my suggestion). We had fun doing these things, but she wanted a monogamous relationship so that limited what she was willing to do. I was fine with this as I wanted to find things to try that she would enjoy. I’m the type of guy who enjoys seeing his partner in pleasure, and didn’t want to see her feel uncomfortable.