[M]y sex story at a strip club

This happened about 3-4 years ago. I went to a sporting event and decided before I headed home, I’d check out a local gentleman’s establishment. I had been to this particular one a few times before and they have some really attractive girls.

It was super busy as it was a Wednesday night but I did enjoy what I saw. After being there for about 29 mins, I was approached by a beautiful, petite blonde. We talked for a bit and I decided to get a dance from her.

While in the back getting a dance, she is pretty handsy and also allowed me to be as well. That’s when she asked me if I wanted a blow job.

Before I go any further, I must say that I’m not the best looking guy and I certainly don’t have the biggest dick. Basically picture a mid 30s dad bod.

Next thing I know, she slips a condom on and starts blowing me. Let me tell you, she can suck my dick. Then she stops and asks if I want another dance and I say sure. Then she asks me if I wanted to fuck her.