A recent story that happened to me, **unbelievable**…

Let’s give you a little bit of context:

Me, 22 y.o, student living far from home doing a master degree. I spent all the university years without being sexually active, just hoping to meet some girls at campus but that didn’t work. The thing is that this year I started the master, and it’s a whole different thing; I have much more free time and I realised that I was spending the days without doing nothing productive (years before I would be studying or going to the gym). One day SUDDENLY while cheking Instagram I saw a kind of erotic picture of a friend of mine, he was with her gf, a POV of him at bed with her at the side (both with underwear), tbh an stunnig girl with an amazing body. After that I just though: “Fuck, I’m 22 and never had gf, wtf am I doing?” I felt super bad and alone, also I was very horny because masturbation didn’t please me enough… “Now that I have free time, let’s do something productive and try to meet some girls”. I just got motivated out of the blue and I promised myself to go out to meet new people. Of course I would be going straight to action and go to a disco. As I said before, I spent years going to the gym and eating healthy as that’s a thing that I like. I consider myself being in a great shape, but never really showed it. Since I started a master and I didn’t know anybody there, I didn’t care about people thought about me, so I decided to change my looks. I bought some expensive clothes, even that I don’t like them, I had a haircut and I started to act more like a man/model after resaerching about that: showing jaw, looking up, perfume, well done hair… All of that was intended to be shown at the disco. I did all of that in less than a week without knowing the consequences, maybe it wasn’t worth it, but I just wanted to try. I decided that the next friday I would go to the one of the most famous discos of the city.


The last year when I started college (male, 18):
I remember how the story started… The first day of college, we had a presentation of the year. That day I was really nervous and a little bit hyped, since I had to move to that new city. The presentation was at 10:00 pm and I was late, so I started panicking (I didn’t want to be the last and everyone stare at me) so I had to run to the room. I ended reaching there around 10:10 pm. I open the door and I see the room FULL of people, all new stundents were there sitting and listening, lots of people turned around at me (fml), there were no visible seats, so I tried to move to the back. At the middle I saw a free seat next to a girl. She saw me and noticed that I was searching a place to sit. When I reached there and I was about to ask her if I could sit but she was faster than me and offered me to sit there. Since I was so nervous and embarassed I didn’t pay attention at her, and I thought that it was just a nice act of her. Anyways, during the long and boring presentation, I could notice how she looked at me some times (dissimulating). At the end we talked for some minutes and I noticed that she was attracted to me. I wasn’t though. She wasn’t ugly but not very beatiful, just an average maybe 6/10. I though that she could be a nice friend.