Shooting my Load on [M]y Chubby [F]riend

I want to preface this story by saying I don’t always make the best decisions when I’m horny or drinking. This story that took place two weeks ago included both.

Two Thursdays ago the weekly wine night that me and my friend from college started shortly after leaving school was held at my place. This has been going on for the past 6 years or so, starting at first as thirsty Thursday and slowly turning to wine night. We’d invite other people most of the time and eventually she brought her boyfriend, now husband, on a regular basis. Alex (my friend) and I had never had much sexual tension between us, or at least I didn’t think so. She’s always been a little chubby but had a pretty face and honestly I’m down with bigger girls.

This Thursday it was just me and Alex as her husband was working and no one else seemed interested in coming over. We opened our normal box of dry red and had our conversation about life, work, and friends over some music from spotify. I needed to go to the bathroom so I got up, a little drunker than I thought I’d be, and made my way to the bathroom.