Fulfilled one of [M]y [f]antasies last night! Thanks Tinder! [24m/21f]

Hey guys! Long time reader and fan here. I had an experience last night that was so good that I had to tell someone, and where better to tell it than here, where the details are appreciated? This is my first submission to gws, but I intend to record my back-catalog of stories as time goes on. I hope you enjoy!

To set the stage: It was Friday afternoon and I had just gotten home early for a weekend of well-earned rest. Normally, I hang out with my house mates and work around the house on weekends, but as I settled in, I noticed that both of my room mates were packing up to leave- one for the holidays and the other just for the weekend. I realized I could be in for a long, boring weekend, but I also recognized the opportunity that comes with having the house to myself. I wished them both a good weekend, sat down, and got to work on Tinder. With the holiday season upon us, I was getting matches considerably faster than normal and was engaged in several conversations when a new match appeared. I clicked on her profile, a cute 21-year-old girl from the edge of my search radius, read the blurb, and realized that I had just stumbled upon a golden opportunity – the chance to sleep with a pregnant girl. Some of you may be turned off by this, but I'll explain the appeal in the next paragraph, and those of you who are interested can read past the explanation, and if not, feel free to tune in for the next story!