[MF] I met a taken guy [20M] on Omegle who helped awaken my [20F] inner slut

These past few months I have not been having sex at all. I got out of a toxic relationship and hookups left me feeling unfulfilled and sad…but I am a 20 year old woman so I’ve been extremely horny without sex.

About a week ago I had a rare day off work and just felt like relaxing at home. I did something that I hadn’t done in months…maybe even years and hopped on Omegle to talk to random people on the internet. Now, if you know Omegle you know 90% of conversations start with “M” or “M or F?” from horny teenage boys that don’t even bother saying Hi. Keep in mind I wasn’t initially horny when I went on Omegle so after hours of pointless chatting I was losing all hope … and then I connected with someone on the topic of the gym!