Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 13 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”The Rite of Naming, An Heir Annointed”**

Maia opened the door and gestured for Althea to pass through the threshold; leaving the sanctum of her new boudoir and entering the unknown. The purple-clad blonde stepped into the hallway, immediately recognizing the hewn stone tunnels from before. No doubt about it, she remained within the blasphemous walls of the cult’s domain. The door closed and locked behind Maia, and she joined Althea’s side. The pale, nearly monochromatic handmaiden offered Althea her arm for support. Again, a moment of reticence and Althea took a step back, feeling the cold stone against her bare heel.

“Lady Althea, I assure you that no harm awaits you at the end of this tunnel,” Maia bowed her head respectfully. “On the contrary, your divine son and rapturous pleasure are the only things you will find ahead,” Maia took the priestess by the hand and gave it a reaffirming squeeze. This simple act of compassion and the girl’s cool touch steadied Althea’s heart. Memories of her gushing climaxes returned, bringing with them a flush to her cheeks. Maia smirked, narrowing her smoky eyes playfully. “You see? I only wish you knew just how lucky you are, my lady,” she mused and led Althea on her first step forward. “I envy you, you know. I envy how much his grace will fill you,” Maia bit her lip and rubbed a hand over her own trim midriff.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 12 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”Boudoir of the Blighted Queen”**

Althea awoke to a deep, throbbing headache. She inhaled sharply, only to summon a raspy, dry cough. So thirsty. She hadn’t had a thing to drink in so long… aside from her own spoiled leakage and that accursed elixir. The priestess blinked softly, still ensnared by the persistent stupor of sleep. For the first time since leaving the sanctuary of sunlight, Althea felt warm. Limbs like jelly, it was a struggle for her to even lift her leg. Blankets? Eyes snapped open and she jolted upright, but immediately regretted the sudden movement when a twinge wracked her middle. That’s right. Her experiences with that monstrous bastard of hers were real. At this she realized that her mind felt clearer, and she was no longer under whatever enchantment had seized her voice and actions.

But when Althea looked around, she found herself snuggled up in thick, olive-green blankets, resting atop a sprawling bed. Four tall bedposts stretched toward the vaulted, domed ceiling of the room. There were even rich, burgundy silk curtains providing her a cloistered sense of privacy, though it also shrouded the remainder of the room. Althea counted more pillows than she’d ever possessed. The stark contrast to her previous dwellings in the cramped, dirty cell left young Althea in a state of shock and disbelief. Never in her life had she known such luxury. Surely this was all a dream. Or another of the cult’s attempts to muster her hopes, only to quash them for their own twisted delight.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 11 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**​​​​​​​”Seeds of Corruption”**

“FFFFuckk–” Althea grunted softly, gnawing her bottom lip in delight. The sheer sensation of her monstrous son’s fetid, festering cock filled her with utter bliss. And still she could see more of his necrotic, blistered shaft waiting to submerge deeper between her wanton folds. What was not long ago a brilliant beacon of Helestria’s light nestled within Althea’s heart, now flickered and wavered like waning candlelight. A quiet resistance against this inhumane, incestuous assault. Yet despite the favor of an actual goddess, the fact remained that Althea lay imprisoned here in the stronghold of a demon lord’s fanatical cult. The last vestiges of her free will were trapped; frozen and fixated, forced to watch her body surrender to the whims of her own repressed lust and the dark will of Nihilipox. For she now dwelled in his house. This ruinous crypt of salacious decay.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 10 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”The Heir of Nihilipox”**

Althea lay there, a feeble mess of grime, sour milk, and birthing fluid. At last the immense pressure in her belly was gone, but in its place she felt the cold, sinking realization that she had entered an unwilling role of motherhood. Spent and exhausted, the young priestess propped herself up on one elbow. Though her stomach still showed a slight distension, she knew it would flatten out eventually. What she was not prepared for, however, was the slimy, lukewarm tentacle of her bastard offspring flopping against the inside of her thigh. The contact made her flinch, but fear and shock seized her body when she finally gazed down upon the awful thing that had brewed within her youthful womb.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 9 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg][Birth]

**”False Deliverance”**

Many questions plagued her mind as to how she regained her powers, and why now, but Althea knew this was her chance. Emboldened by her rekindled light, the priestess stretched forth her hand toward Ivan. “By the light of Helestria, be purged in holy fire!” she shouted. The light gathered in her hand blossomed, momentarily blinding her captors. A bolt of white light leapt from Althea’s palm and flew clean through Ivan’s skull, leaving a smoldering hole in its wake. One down, four to go. The priestess watched the others rub their eyes as she staggered to her feet; an act made all the more difficult by her hunger and heavily-ripened womb. There was a clear path to the door, but she doubted she could outrun all of them in her current state. And so the priestess raised her hand toward the blister-crowned Andre. Alas, before she could cast another spell, Izaac seized hold of her stretched arm. When she tried to gather light in the other hand, that arm was grabbed by Felix. “Let me go, you monsters! Get off of me!”

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 8 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”Five Guys: Berserkers & Flies”**

A drop of water splashed onto Althea’s cheek. “Huh?” her voice croaked, hoarse from a medley of screaming, dehydration, and worm-laden kisses. She licked her lips, but grimaced at the sour taste. Judging by the cool puddle gathered on the floor beneath her cheek, and the sopping wet green robes clinging to her young, pregnant body, the priestess had been lying unconscious for quite a while. “Where am I now?” she groaned softly and slowly blinked. Darkness. In the nearly nonexistent light, Althea made out the rough surface of unworked stone near her. A wall? And two others. The light seemed to be coming from beneath a heavy wooden door at the opposite end of her small, 15-foot square cell. As if alerted to her awakening, the ripening wretch stirred in her inflated womb. She felt the thing slosh about with a playful energy, as if expressing its giddy enjoyment at the poor girl’s baleful predicament. “Ungh–Stop fussing already,” Althea sought to put it out of her mind, but she discovered that was impossible when she tried to sit up. Despite no longer feeling full of undead ogre cum, Althea’s belly had noticeably grown. By now she looked to be near full-term with twins.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 7 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”Playtime is Ogre”**

thud… thud… Footsteps sounded from somewhere beyond the chamber doors. Oh no… Whatever was coming sounded big… and heavy. The pace picked up into a charge. thUD–THUD– SLAM! A huge, bulky figure blitzed through the half-open door, blasting the wood from the hinges in a shower of splinters. Althea turned away, shielding her face. A few scraps of wood bounced off her back and flank, but she remained unharmed. The cacophany passed as quickly as it came, and she found herself huddled in silence– near silence. Wet labored breathing, like the ocean tide, burbled from behind the young cleric. There stood over ten feet of muscle, fat, and sagging, pustulent flesh. Althea had never seen an actual ogre in her life, let alone a zombified ogre. Though it sounded like the thing was breathing, she suspected it was in fact the sound of various gases bubbling and churning inside the thing’s bloated, rotten body.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 6 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”Vessel of Corruption”**

Althea squirmed and writhed beneath the gaunt fanatic’s touch. The bony fingers held fast. When the four plagued cultists holding Althea’s ankles began chanting in the dark forbidden tongue of demons, the young acolyte darted her frightened gaze amongst them. Whirling like heatless flames, the black light wreathed the woman’s claws, but suddenly the accursed energy plunged into the priestess’ navel. To Althea’s astonishment, she felt no pain. Instead a dull itch spread outward from her belly button. “What? What’s happening to me?!” the young cleric cried out. Craning her neck, she looked down to see the dreaded patchwork of black mold appearing in small spots around her navel. They almost looked like birthmarks, they were so small. But they were there all the same, and there were nine of them. Just like the nine glowing rings around the altar. And in that moment the priestess recalled the association of the number nine with death… Nihilipox, could that be the name of the demon lord of undeath? Though she wanted to delve deeper the memories from her studies in the temple library, another spiking sensation tore her from her thoughts.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 5 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”The Temple of the Unclean Sire”**

Althea held her staff out ahead and stood as straight as possible. Sucking in her stomach, she began the squeeze through the mysterious crevice. She wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or disgusted by the fact that the smelly, slippery slime lubricated her body just enough to pop through the narrow stone gap. Althea shuddered at the foul essence that coated her body. Blinking a few times, she quickly recognized her new location as some sort of storage room.

The stone walls appeared hand-worked, but the numerous cracks that ran along the surfaces stood out in dark contrast. She held up her glowing stick for a closer look, only to confirm her suspicions. Black mold filled the cracks, though clearly far tamer than the stuff that killed… Fabian and Lorna.

“Goddess forgive me… how could I have forgotten?” she said softly, a tear forming in her eye. Due to the trauma suffered at the hands of the two zombies, she nearly forgot all about her fallen comrades. She briefly bowed her head and closed her eyes in silent prayer.

Lair of the Cryptmother Ch. 4 [Dark Fantasy][Body Horror][Light Gore][Noncon][Breeding][Preg]

**”Baptism of Ichor”**

Althea rested a hand over her heart and sighed softly. She needed strength now more than ever; dawdling would lead only to dwelling. She found an old, dusty broom handle without the brush and used it as a walking stick, helping her avoid any more trips and stumbles. “Luminae,” she murmured, and the head of the walking stick glowed in a soft, pale light. Not quite as effective as a torch, but now she could see that at last the tunnel path crept uphill. The acolyte prayed she would see the light of day again soon and be rid of these awful nightmares. If no one warned the villagers of Sapila about the dangers lurking beneath the mountain, then she feared what disaster loomed on the horizon.

Althea paused her thoughts as a mundane but daunting sight now entered the dim light of her make-shift staff. It looked as though some of the tunnel floor had been dug away, intentionally leaving a darkened pit. Now the only way across the pit was a single wooden beam no shorter than twenty feet in length. The priestess swallowed hard at the thought of falling into the black pit below. Perhaps the fall was meant only to incapacitate? She gingerly approached and held the staff over the pit like a fishing rod. At first she noticed no signs of life, but that changed with the sound of a low, rasping groan. By Helestria’s light, could someone be trapped?